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Løvesang [The Lion Sleeps Tonight]

Vi har det godt
Vi har det godt
Vi har det godt...
Ind'i junglen, den dybe jungle, ka' løven sove trygt
Ind'i junglen, den dybe jungle, ka' løven sove trygt
Vi har det godt
Vi har det godt
Vi har det godt...
Ved en landsby, en fred'lig landsby, ka' løven sove trygt
Ved en landsby, en fred'lig landsby, ka' løven sove trygt
Vih, vi har det godt
Vih, vi har det godt
Vih, vi har det godt...
Ah !

The Lion Song

We're doing well
We're doing well
We're doing well...
In the jungle, the deep jungle, the lion may sleep without fear1
In the jungle, the deep jungle, the lion may sleep without fear
We're doing well
We're doing well
We're doing well...
By a village, a peaceful village, the lion may sleep without fear
By a village, a peaceful village, the lion may sleep without fear
We're doing well
We're doing well
We're doing well...
  • 1. The word "tryg(t)" is often translated as "comfortable / comfortably", though in the sense that you're feeling safe, so I decided to translate it as "without fear."
The Lion King (OST) [2019]: 3 mais populares