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The loneliness

Marco left and doesn't come back anymore
The 7:30 train without him
It's a metal heart without a soul
In the cold and grey morning of the city
At school the desk is empty, Marco is in my heart
His breath is sweet among my thoughts
It seems that big distances separate us
But my heart beats fast within me
Who knows if you'll think about me
If you ever talk to your parents
If you hide as I do
You miss looks and you stay
Shut in your bedroom and you don't want to eat
You hug the pillow strong
You cry, you don't know
How much the loneliness will hurt you again
Marco, in my diary I have a photograph
Your eyes belong to a shy child
I hold it strong in my heart and I feel you in there
Between my English and Math homework
Your father and his advice, what a monotony
He took you away with his job
Certainly, he never asked for your opinion
He said 'you'll understand me one day'
Who knows if you'll think about me
If you'll ever talk to your friends
Not to suffer for me again
But it's not easy you know
At school, I'm fed up
And every afternoon without you
Studying is pointless, every thought
Accumulates on you
It's not possible to divide
The life about us
Please, wait for me, my love
I don't know how to deceive you
The loneliness between us
This silence within me
It's the worry to live
My life without you
Please, wait for me, because
I can't be without you
It's not possible to divide
The story about us
The loneliness between us
This silence within me
It's the worry to live
My life without you
Please, wait for me, because
I can't be without you
It's not possible to divide
The story about us
The loneliness
Letras originais

La solitudine

Clique para ver a letra original (Italiano)

Don JuanDon Juan
   Segunda-feira, 12/11/2018 - 20:49

I have added some punctuation and changed some minor stanzas around. You might want to check your translation for updates.