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  • Anabantha

    Luna confusa → Tradução para Inglês

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Luna confusa

Luna confusa cansada del cielo,
que agoniza entre brumas de ángeles muertos
y, hasta ahí, la risa llega a su fin.
Ya nos perdimos en el sueño de volar
hasta las cumbres del frío,
donde no hay ni un sonido
y la ninfa celeste te hablará.
Frase inconclusa que dicta tu alma
al cantarle a la brisa
que arrastra tus miedos,
al dudar si el cielo es para ti.
Luna perpetua anclada en el mar de las estrellas
buscando ser parte de ellas,
sin saber que mi diosa eres tú.
Ya te olvidaste de toda esa sangre
derramada en tu templo
de aquel sufrimiento,
sacrificios para verte sonreír.

Confused moon

Confused moon, tired of the sky
which agonizes among mists of dead angels,
and there, laughter comes to an end.
We are lost in the dream of flying,
to the peaks of coldness,
where there's no sound
and the celestial nymph shall speak to you.
Unfinished phrase that dictates your soul,
singing to the breeze
that crawls your fears,
doubting if heaven is for you.
Perpetual moon, anchored to the sea of stars,
searching to be part of them,
without realizing you are my godness.
You already forgot about all of that blood
spilled in your temple of that suffering...
sacrifices to make you smile.
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