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I am so glad you are not sick with me

I am so glad you are not sick with me
I am so glad I’m not sick with you either
That never will from under our feet
The heavy world be pulled into the ether
I am so glad to be just silly me
Be decadent... Not playing coy - a breather.
And glancing brushes here and between
Won’t make me blush and send me into dither
My heart and hand are grateful with all might
For your - without even knowing -
Your love of my, as such, untroubled nights
And rare dates at times of sunset showings
For our non-walks under silver moon
For golden sunshine there for not us
For my, alas, not being sick with you
For your not being sick with me, alas...
Letras originais

Мне нравится что вы больны не мной

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PinchusPinchus    Segunda-feira, 12/10/2020 - 02:07

Great job! But why "decadent"?