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Morski ljudi, morske žene

Prva ja
Znat ću kada dođe,
Zidine mi odmah jave
Sve što pod njima prođe.
Godinama ovo radim,
Dočekala tri Godota
I odavno sam mogla poći
Al´ ne čekam ja bilo koga.
Zubi trunu od gorčine
Svačija sam - bez ikoga svoga,
Pogled teži od planine
U pod gledam ko' u boga.
Oprosti što ti ovo radim
Puče grom iz vedra neba
Ti si sve što tako želim
I sve što mi ne treba.
Kao da se
Cijeli život spremam
Da ponudim na toj dražbi
Sve što imam i što nemam.
Moja krv i
Moj su narod brodolomci
Sanjao sam jedan kip
Sav u kamenu i bronci.
Zubi trunu od gorčine
Svačiji sam - bez ikoga svoga,
Pogled teži od planine
U pod gledam ko' u boga.
Snovi puni soli, (mirišu mi sjene)
Oči pune morske pjene (oči pune morske pjene)
Špijat´ će me ribe,
Špijaju sirene
Dobri morski ljudi
I dobre morske žene. (x2)

Men of the sea, women of the sea

I will be the first one
The first one who will know when it comes
Walls, they're telling me instantly about
Everything that passes beneath them
I'm doing this by years
I've already welcomed three Godots
And I could've left this place since long ago
But I'm not waiting for 'anyone'
Teeth, they're rotting from bitterness
I'm everyone's - but without anyone mine
My glance is harder than the mountain
I'm looking at the ground like it is God
Chorus x 2
I'm sorry for doing this to you
The lighting struck from unclouded sky
You are everything that I want
And everything that I don't need
It feels like that
I'm preparing myself this whole life
To offer on that auction
Everything and anything that I have
My blood and
My people are shipwrecked
I've been dreaming about one statue
That was all from the stone and bronze
Teeth, they're rotting from bitterness
I'm everyone's - but without anyone mine
My glance is harder than the mountain
I'm looking at the ground like it is God
Chorus x 2
Dreams full of salt (I'm smelling shadows)
The eyes full of meerschaum
The fishes would spy on me
Good men of the sea
And good women of the sea
Chorus x 2
Silente: 3 mais populares
Idioms from "Morski ljudi, morske..."