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Требаш ми

Prosula se mladost ulicama grada
devojke, mladici nasmejanih lica
gledam oko sebe,gledam oko sebe parovi se ljube
svako ima svoje skloniste od tuge
Trebas mi
necu sama, trebas mi
ovih dana, ovih noci
kad' je tuga do neba
Trebas mi
kao vazduh, trebas mi
daj mi nadu da me volis
bar me slazi ponekad
trebas mi
Oci kao tvoje uzaludno trazim
prevarice srce svako nalik tebi
potrajace kratko,potrajace kratko
pocece da bledi
kopija za oci srcu malo vredi

I Need You

Youth got spilled on the city streets
girls, boys with smiling faces
I am looking around myself, I watch around me couples kissing
everyone has their shelter from the sorrow
I need you
I don't want alone, I need you
these days, these nights
when sorrow reaches the sky
I need you
like air, I need you
give me hope that you love me
at least lie to me sometimes
I need you
For eyes like yours I'm searching in vain
everyone like you will deceive the heart
it will last short, it will last short
it will start to fade
a copy to eyes means little to heart