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  • MV Bill

    Soldado do morro → Tradução para Inglês

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Slum's Soldier

My condition is terrible, I can't hang out.
I can't wander foolishly in the streets.
With this life I live, I can't play.
I hold a 9mm and HK guns.
For my own safety and slum's tranquility
If "PA", if "PAM", so I'd be one more dead soldier.
Twenty four hours on jitters.
Watching the cops, worried about any outsider
100% ready to the bones
There's one more loader (or magazine?) full of bullets in my pocket
Now I can buy any outfit
There are lots of bitches that want to fuck with me
Fixed eyes in my money, they don't care about the danger
Here, the vogue is to be gangster's wife
Without success, keeping opened eyes
They broke one asshole more, that wanted to be smart
This shit haunts me until the end
At this moment, my old mother is praying for me
This is it... for sure... positive!
They stole my soul, but they didn't take my faith
I can't look in the mirror
I'm a red heart combatant
My wife is home with my child
Now I can give them the best
Too many times, I felt a jerk
Unemployed, my child starving
It's very easy come here to criticize me
This society made me, and now it orders to kill me
It condemns me to die in prison
To become a headline on TV
It would be different if I was a dandy
Fed with Sustagen and Nido milk
Studying in high schools and then universities
No... that's not my reality
I'm a poor man with blood in eyes
With hatred in veins, slum's soldier
Ugly and smart with an evil face
The society has created me, one more delinquent
I have a 9mm and HK guns.
With hatred in veins, ready to shoot.
One for the power, another for money
There are many guys that get in here for fame
He settled here in the crack house, having alternatives
He didn't stand too long, and dawned (died) in the ditch
Because our words don't go in curve, they're objective
I heard this from an older gangster
Settled here, I don't have any brother
Besides the spits-bullets(*) in my hand
Like a bird that defends its nest
I smash the first one who cross my path
Out-of-law, called "element"
Now, it's the crime that gives my livelihood
I already asked alms and humiliated myself
I was trampled, I know what I have suffered
I know, it doesn't justify...
My time is short, I don't know how long it will last
It's worst than asking favors
"Give me a job, I had a little son, sir!"
Big line, me and three hundred more
After a long time, no vacant job at the moment
The same history every day, fuck!
All of this creates the insurgency
It drives me angry, one more armed madman
I'm aware, concerned... Who is guilty?
Who makes war and doesn't die for it?
Who distributes drugs that destroys the slums
Making money with our reality
They left me between the crime and the necessity
Ugly and smart with an evil face
The society has created me, one more delinquent
I have a 9mm and HK guns.
With hatred in veins, ready to shoot.
The violence in slum begun to spread by the downtown
Homicide, kidnapping, assault
The ones that should give us protection
They invade the slum with rifles in hands
I know that the world I live is wrong
But when I needed the most, nobody was there for me
Wron by wrong, who never made a mistake?
That politician who asks votes also already killed someone
He put me in the rotten side of the society
With too much drugs, guns and unrighteousness
Life of crime is a slow suicide
"Bangu 1 2 3"...(**) my friends are trapped there.
I'm aware, I know how this ends
Negative balance... It's one thug less
For the society to count one less in the list
And to increase this sad statistics
About young men like me that don't know fear
Seduced by crime since early age
Even knowing that there is no future
I didn't want to be in this mess
I'm already harmed, a shot in the belly
Next time, who knows, they'll take my life
I'll let my boy alone in the world
Trending to tread my path
If I fall, only my mother will cry
There are lots wanting to take my place
I don't know if it's worst to become a gangster
Or smash yourself for a tiny salary
I'm in world of crime, irony of fate
My mother is worried, her son is lost
While my time-to-go doesn't come
We bump here and there in these slums
Ugly and smart with an evil face
The society has created me, one more delinquent
I have a 9mm and HK guns.
With hatred in veins, ready to shoot.
Letras originais

Soldado do morro

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