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Свободная птица

Вот вы говорите, чудес не бывает.
Я слышал, есть птица, которая только летает:
Она никуда никогда не садится,
Свободная птица, свободная птица.
Захочет ли спать - на лету засыпает.
Живет на лету, на лету умирает -
Тогда-то и может она наконец приземлиться,
Свободная птица, свободная птица.
И я говорю вам, чудес не бывает.
И все эта птица сама про себя понимает -
Зачем ей на месте одном не сидится,
Зачем она птица, свободная птица.

This bird was born free

So, you say, there are no miracles in our life
I heard, there is a bird in the world, that is constantly in flight:
It never sits down on the rooftop or a tree,
This bird was born free, this bird was born free.
When she wants to sleep- she falls asleep on the fly.
The bird lives on the fly, on the fly she will die-
Only then can she finally land where she wanted to be
This bird was born free, this bird was born free.
And I'm telling you, there are no wonders, my friend.
And all this, about itself, the bird understands-
Why doesn't she stay in one place on her favourite tree,
Why is she a bird, born to fly, born to be free.
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