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  • Alejandro Fernández

    Te soñé → Tradução para Inglês

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I dreamed with you

I dreamed with you
and in your tender face
I even could see
your subtle smile
I wanted to be
like a child one more time
under the April´s rain
And come to your arms
to feel the motherly warmth
of your embrace
I dreamed with you
with your ladylike gait
and I could only see
your profile
I passed you by
only to saw you
dressed in blue
And I wanted to catch you
in my dreams
but you flew away
in the wings of the air
And I woke up
still feeling the scent
of your skin
searching for you
in the shadows settled
over the wall
I dreamed you
like a blue angel
at dawn
dressed in tulle
and I cried
when I watched you
over a ray of light
And I woke up
with dry lips
for the thirst
feeling you
like the April´s rain
giving me something to drink
Because I carry in my soul
a mark of love
that will never die
Letras originais

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Alejandro Fernández: 3 mais populares
OlcayOlcay    Quinta-feira, 01/05/2014 - 23:22
Yorsh KosherYorsh Kosher
   Quinta-feira, 01/05/2014 - 23:31

Oh, thank you for the vote, one of my favorite songs of this album. :D