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七彩的微風 [Legend of Mermaid]

七彩的微風 側著臉輕輕吹佛
想溜走 溜到沒有紛擾的角落
在黎明前夕 傳來優美的旋律
記憶裡 最美麗 最動人的Melody
展翅高飛 盡情遨遊 愛上東方藍色天空
像鳥兒自由是我所追求 最終的夢
七大海洋七彩的夢幻樂園 狂風暴雨也不能輕易改變
愛的堅持加上信念 生命就此會不斷的蔓延
七種國度七彩的夢幻樂園 閉上雙眼慢慢用心體驗
即使夢也會有終點 就算傷悲也會帶著笑臉
白雲輕飄過 彩虹消失無影蹤
淡淡的 嘆息著 藍色的憂傷
滿天的星光 透著珍珠的光芒
閃耀著 和月光 將黑暗的心照亮
遠處傳來 我已聽見 遙遠的南方在呼喚
該勇敢的去面對長大後 也算浪漫
帶著勇氣開始著奇幻冒險 捧著一手編織的滿滿心願
也許我也會有膽怯 媽媽的愛會隨時在身邊
星星偷偷降落在夢的天堂 一閃一閃像我臉上的淚光
未來不適合去勉強 守著夢想原來的模樣
七大海洋七彩的夢幻樂園 狂風暴雨也不能輕易改變
愛的堅持加上信念 生命就此會不斷的蔓延
七種國度七彩的夢幻樂園 閉上雙眼慢慢用心體驗
即使夢也會有終點 就算傷悲也會帶著笑臉
帶著勇氣開始著奇幻冒險 捧著一手編織的滿滿心願
也許我也會有膽怯 媽媽的愛會隨時在身邊
星星偷偷降落在夢的天堂 一閃一閃像我臉上的淚光
未來不適合去勉強 守著夢想原來的模樣
七大海洋七彩的夢幻樂園 狂風暴雨也不能輕易改變
愛的堅持加上信念 生命就此會不斷的蔓延
七種國度七彩的夢幻樂園 閉上雙眼慢慢用心體驗
即使夢也會有終點 就算傷悲也會帶著笑臉

Seven-Color Breeze

Seven-color breeze is gently blowing through my cheek
I want to sneak into a corner, where no agony finds me
Before the dawn, an elegant voice sounds in tune,
The most beautiful, most touching MELODY in my memory
Spreading my wings, indulging myself with the flight, I'm in love with the blue sky in the east
To be as free as birds is my ultimate dream
Seven Oceans, Seven-color Dreamland
which can't be compromised despite of any raging storm
My insistence on love pluses my faith
Life will therefore extend from now on
Seven Utopias, Seven-color Dreamland
I close my eyes to slowly learn them with my heart
Even when all dreams come to an end, I'll bring my smile along despite my sadness
The white cloud drifted away, and the rainbow vanished
Slightly, blue-colored melancholic sigh is being uttered
The starry sky glitters like pearls
With moonlight, it enlightens gloomy hearts
I've heard calling from the Far South resonating in a distance
Being brave as a grown-up should be sort of romantic
Commencing my adventure of fantasy courageously, I'm carrying carefully-knitted wishes in my hands
Even I could feel deterred sometimes. Mama's love will always be by my side
Stars secretly landed on the Paradise of Dream, twinkle twinkle like the tears in my face
Future is not to be compelled, in order to guard dreams as how they were
Seven Oceans, Seven-color Dreamland
which can't be compromised despite of any raging storm
My insistence on love pluses my faith
Life will therefore extend
Seven Utopias, Seven-color Dreamland
I close my eyes to slowly learn them with my heart
Even when all dreams come to an end, I'll bring my smile along despite my sadness
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