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  • Surorile Osoianu

    Bine-i șade mesei mele → traducere în Engleză

  • 4 traduceri
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    , Rusă, Transliteraţie #1, #2
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Bine-i șade mesei mele

Rrr ia-ha...
Ghini-i șădi mesii meli
Împrejur cu nemureli!
Hai, la la la...
Dar mai ghini i-ar șâde
Dac-ar și șî mama me!
Hai, la la la...
Frațâi șî mătușâlii
Nu-i mai deschid ușâlii.
Hai, la la la...
Hai, măi frați, ș-om trăi ghini
Că nu iei nimic cu tini.
Hai, la la la...
Iii-ha-ha... rrr -ha... haida-haida-haida-da...
Băuturî am ș-acasă,
Nu-i așa di mângâioasî.
Hai, la la la...
Păhăruțu-acest di vin
Cu toată lumea-l închin.
Hai, la la la...

My table looks so good

Rrr ia-ha
My table looks so good
With my kind around it!
Come on, la la la...
But it would have looked even better
If my mother were here too!
Come on, la la la...
My brothers and aunts
Won't open the door for her anymore.
Come on, la la la ...
Do so, brothers, and we'll have a better life,
Because when you die you don't take any riches with you.1
Come on, la la la ...
Iii-ha-ha... rrr-ha...haida-haida-haida-da
I have booze at home too,
But it's not this good.
Hai, la la la...
This glass of wine
I rise it for everyone!
Hai, la la la...
  • 1. i belive this is a dispute about money, inside the family
Te rugăm să ajuți la traducerea cântecului „Bine-i șade mesei ...”
   Luni, 07/04/2014 - 19:21

Atrag atentia la "ca nu e nimeni cu tine" mi-a spus o moldoveaca faptul ca zice "ca nu iei nimic cu tine"

ScieraSciera    Luni, 07/04/2014 - 21:12

I guess you found a mistake in the lyrics? Please comment beneath the lyrics and the uploader will probably take care of that.
(I'd correct it myself but since I don't speak this language I can't tell whether you're right).

   Luni, 07/04/2014 - 21:17

The original its so archaic that even i dont know the correct form lol. I stated the current form of the word, from what ive been told by a moldavian friend.

CalusarulCalusarul    Luni, 07/04/2014 - 22:34

@ adysanu ,
Cred că are dreptate moldoveanca ta, mulțumește-i din partea mea.
Eu aș fi tradus „nemurelele” cu „family”. Nu e rău nici cum ai zis tu, dar sensul lui „kind” mi se pare prea larg față de „rude/neamuri”, adică poate să însemne și „popor/rasă”.
Ca să respectăm „if cond”: Dac-ar și șî mama me! = If my mother were here too.
Ortografie: Wont - won't, its - it's.
Cred că „wine glass” se referă la tipul de pahar, iar „glass of wine” ar cuprinde și vinul.

@ Sciera ,
Thanks, you're very kind. I'm glad you don't speak Romanian, we'd be correcting each other a lot.
Anyway, I saw you have edited one of my translations, though. I hope all you did was remove a video or something like that, because, otherwise, it would be very rude to just correct a translation without asking the translator to do it him/herself. There are also some songs with intentional mistakes.

ScieraSciera    Luni, 07/04/2014 - 23:05

I editted a translation of yours? Which one do you mean?
Well, rest assured that I won't change the text of translations. Probably I corrected which language it was marked as, or something like that.

CalusarulCalusarul    Miercuri, 09/04/2014 - 11:47

I don't remember which one, but if I find it again, I'll show it to you. Anyway, if you say it wasn't the text, but something less creative, it's OK then.