My favourite national anthems

Created by Zarina01 on 13 Apr 2019 | Ultima oară editat de Zarina01 în data 01 Apr 2023
My favourite national anthems

Here is a collection of my favourite national anthems in no particular order


Traduceri:  Azeră #1
+51 more
, #2, Bashkir #1, #2, Chineză #1, #2, Coreeană #1, #2, Engleză #1, #2, #3, Esperanto #1, #2, Filipino/Tagalog, Franceză #1, #2, Germană #1, #2, Indoneziană, IPA #1, #2, Italiană, Japoneză, Kazahă, Kyrgyz #1, #2, Mongolă #1, #2, Mongolian (Buryat dialect) #1, #2, Poloneză, Rusă #1, #2, #3, #4, Sakha #1, #2, Spaniolă #1, #2, Tătară #1, #2, Thailandeză #1, #2, Transliteraţie #1, #2, #3, #4, Turcă #1, #2, #3, Vietnameză #1, #2

Don JuanDon Juan
   Duminică, 14/04/2019 - 00:57

Please don't take our national anthem as a representation of how we Brazilian people speak - it's full of metaphors and hyperbatons, some teachers even claiming that it's one of the hardest to study Portuguese texts ever. It's beautiful, though, I must agree with it.

PS: This reminded me that like 10 years ago I burned a CD with audio files of most national anthems available :P

AzuraAzura    Marţi, 16/04/2019 - 01:51

I like that the Sri Lankan anthem is on here, I think it's beautiful. (but I like the Tamil version a bit better)

Most people joke about the Australian anthem because it contains the word "girt," and it gets made fun of quite a bit by New Zealanders and people from the UK.

   Marţi, 16/04/2019 - 02:01

I like the tamil version too!

And what does girt mean in Australia?

AzuraAzura    Marţi, 16/04/2019 - 02:29

I'm learning Tamil so I'm biased. ;)

the line is "Our home is girt by sea," girt means surrounded. It's just a funny-sounding word.