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    Długa 24 → traducere în Engleză

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Długa 24

Blady brzask, kredowa biel
Czynszowy gmach, spocony sen
Zataczał kręgi męski zew
A jej z iskier krzesać dzień
Czy wiesz, ile to lat?
Płacić "nie" i wróżyć "tak"
Szaruga długi ogon ma
Zamiecie dzieci w strychów strach
Podwórze kamienne, zduszony jęk
Zadał ich matce brudny kąt
Ten pan z zamurza – to nie ten
A pan z parteru – butla w łeb
Czy wiesz, ile to lat?
Dzieci z koronki – mróz i szadź
Im sny z papieru, płochy dom
Jemu z banderol czytać noc

Long 24

A pale daybreak, chalky white
A building for rent, a sweaty dream
The male's call was making circles
And her day is made of sparks
Do you know, how many years it is?
Paying "no" and predicting "yes"
The grey hair has a long tail
You will blow your children into the attics of fear
A stone yard, a strangled groan
He gave their mother a dirty corner
The man from the slopes - it's not him
And the man from the ground floor - drinking
Do you know, how many years it is?
Children of lace - frost and rime
They have dreams of paper, a reed house
Reading the night from the bands to him
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