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  • Shayea

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شایع منم
احترام نظامی
اگه تو هم بهم احترام بذاری
اگه یه قلب عین آیینه داری
مث مایی قابل احترامی
من همهٔ آدما رو دوست دارم
همیشه هم این حسمو بروز دادم
همیشه به همه خوشبینم درست یا نه
همیشه نشون دادم چقد تو مشتامن
به همه ادب کردمو همین
ادب کردنا ادب کرد منو رفیق
از یه جا دیگه عقلم رسید
از چشم میوفتی اگه در دسترسی
من همون بودم که بودم
همه جا چه تو جمع چه رو فرش چه خونم
خودم اجازه دادم ازم بدونن
خودم به خودم وقت دادم نفهم بمونمو
از هر سوراخ ده دفعه نیش بخوره بهم
میخو ببینمو باز گیر بکنه بهم
د آخه کجای دنیا شیر شل و وله
یهو یکی از تو آیینه خفتمو گرفت
ازم خواست بشم چیزی که الآنم
منی که دیگه شیکم سیری ندارم
زیرزمینی‌ام بدون قلاده‌ام
من رپ می‌خونم تکون بده جمع با من
روبروت نور بنداز شیر اومده
سفت و محکم با اینکه دیر اومده
رد شده از لبه تیغ اومده
می‌خونه یه ایران پا می‌کوبن هی
خب آره برا ما هم گاهی اوقات
خیلی از شرایط باب میل نبود
ما هم تنگ بود راه پله‌امون
ما هم خیلی گیر و دار داشت قصمون
محل ما ستاره نداشت
آدمای بدون آرزو پشت دراش بودن
منم عادی بود عقده برام
اما باز یادمه هرشب تا صبح نگران بودم
باید به یه جا می‌رسیدم
وقتی میام نتونی بلند نشی از جات
من جواب همون سؤالایی شدم که
هیچکی بهش جواب منطقی نداد
واسه خودم هی رفتم اومدم
دیدم حرفای آدما تو دفتر منن
دیدم خیلی شیرین‌تر از پوله
بدون اجازه حرفمو زدم
الآن داره میشه ده سال
که حال جفتمونو می‌نویسه دستام
داشـ(ـتـ)ـی منو تو این ده سال (؟)
کسی کف این خیابونا نشناخت
من آشناترین غریبه شهرم
که دیگه همه اشتباهامو کردم
داشی من دیگه برنمی‌گردم
آماده صحنه‌ام از همه چی کندم
روبروت نور بنداز شیر اومده
سفت و محکم با اینکه دیر اومده
رد شده از لبه تیغ اومده
می‌خونه یه ایران پا می‌کوبن هی
سخت بود
اما باید پس میدادمش
به خودم داشتم من دینی
وقتی شده بود خودمو جمع کنم از این
تخت خواب همیشه باهام
وقتی شده بود فکر کنم به دلیل کارام
به اینکه چرا هیچکه منو ندیده تاحالا
انگار بسم بود دیگه این
دنیا رو دیدن از پشت پنجره‌ای
انگار بسم بود دیگه این
مردی که اصن شبیه همیشه نیست
دوباره، شروع کردم، دوباره
از صفر، خسته
دوباره و دوباره
واسه اونا که می‌گفتن لیاقتشو نداره
واسه هرکی ازم منتظر جوابه
حالا لابه‌لای این کوچه‌های بلند
حالا که دیگه رو در رو تو چشای توام
حالا که مرد شدم روی پای خودم
قول میدم همه چی رو روبراه می‌کنم
بهت قول میدم جبران شه هر
روزی که تو هم دیگه مشتام گرن
بهت قول میدم جبران شه هر
روزی که رو سقف بود از صب آمپرم
من اینجانب محمدرضا شایع‌ام
من همون نون بند به ورق مچاله‌ام
زنده‌ام به همین بدخطیا
به تو روت وایسادن با دهن گشادم

This Humble

Shayea is me
Military respect
If you also give me [back] respect
If you also have a heart like a mirror
You are like us, you are respectable
I love all the humans
And always, I've shown this feeling of mine
I'm always optimistic about everybody, whether right or not
I've always shown how much they are in my fist (under my shadow)
I have always been polite to everybody
Attitude corrections made me polite buddy
From a point onward I was smart enough to know
You'll drop from one's eyes (no longer interesting to people) if you are available
I've been whatever I was
Everywhere, whether in crowds, whether on the carpet, whether in my house
It was the one who allowed them to know about me
I was the one who gave myself time to stay stupid
To fall in the same trap 10 times
To see a ledge and still hit it
Well, come on, where in the world a lion is clumsy and soft
Suddenly somebody from within the mirror (a reference to the earlier mirror/heart analogy) grabbed my neck
He wanted me to become the thing I am now
Me, who won't have a full belly again
I'm underground, without a leash
I sing rap, shake with me, the crowd
Light up ahead, the lion has come
Strong and hard, even though he has come late
He has passed the edge of a blade and has come
He sings and whole Iran hit their feet on the ground
Well, yeah, also for us, occasionally
A lot of the situations weren't what you'd desire
We also had a tight staircase
We also had a lot of issues and problems in our story
Our neighbourhood didn't have starts
Wishless people were behind its doors
They were normal for me too, the complexities
But again I remember I was worried every night till dawn
I had to reach somewhere [that]
You couldn't sit down [in front of me] when I came in
I became the answer to all those questions that
nobody gave a logical answer to
I've gone back and forth for myself
I realized that words of people are in my notebook
I realized it's much sweeter than money
so I said my words without a permission
Nowadays it's around 10 years
that my hands are writing feelings of both of us
Bro (or "Have you seen me" depending on how you hear it), in all these 10 years,
Nobody recognized me in the middle of the streets
I'm the most familiar stranger of the city
That have done all the mistakes that I could
Bro, I don't go back anymore
I'm ready for the scene/stage, I became independent from everything
Light up ahead, the lion has come
Strong and hard, even though he has come late
He has passed the edge of a blade and has come
He sings and whole Iran hit their feet on the ground
It was hard
So much
But I had to give it back
I had a debt towards myself
It was the time to lift myself up from this
Bed that is always with me
It was the time to think about the reason for things I do
To why nobody has seen me before (notice me or literally "seeing" for Shayea before this album was never seen facing a camera or in public as Shayea)
Like it was enough of this
looks toward the world from behind of this glass window
Like it was enough of this
man who is not like [his] always at all
Again, I started, again
From scratch, tired
Again and again
For all those who kept saying he doesn't worth it
For whoever that is waiting for an answer from me
Now, among these tall alleys
Now that I'm face to face, in your eyes
Now that I turned into a man, on my own feet
I promise to fix everything
I promise to make up for all the
days that my fists are locked and ready
I promise to make up for all the
days that my [feelings] gauge was to its tail end from the morning
I'm, this humble, Mohammad Reza Shayea
I'm just that bread that is dependent on a crumbled paper
I'm alive for this bad handwritings
for standing up to you with my loud mouth