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  • Legião Urbana

    Marcianos invadem a Terra → traducere în Engleză

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Martians Invade Earth

Say goodbye and just cross the street
We tend to "fly high" after two a.m.
But there's no more beer or cigarettes
Beware of this "thing" doing things over there
This "thing" always get to something and does things around here
Hijacks your rescuers, poisons your attention
It is a verb and a noun, an adjective and an expletive
And this radio presenter just cannot shut his mouth
And wants my money and my opinions
But hey, if you just want to have some fun
Start making up your own songs
I wonder if there is life on Mars?
Hotel windows?
Empty garages?
And there are many things
Only varnished as something new with no content
And all these things they always fight against
Are basically everything that they are
Martians invade Earth
They are inflating my ego with nothing but air
And when I think I am getting somewhere
I have to bend over one more corner
And even if I do have my freedom
I do not have much time left
And even if I do have my freedom:
I wonder if there is life on Mars?
Versuri originale

Marcianos invadem a Terra

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