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  • Parashqevi Simaku

    Ne moshen e rinisë → traducere în Engleză

  • 2 traduceri
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The age of youth

You tell me "I love you", "I love you", every other instant
I'm telling you something, and it is not because I don't believe you, not because I don't believe you
But real love, my love can be known only [by going] through life
If you love me like I love you, come and search for me
Come and search for me where life shines the most, because there I am
From my heart like a spring, only joy, only joy flows
Our heart beats at the heart of the motherland
Every heartbeat, beautiful like a song
"Twenty years old", how [beautiful] this word sounds
Oh how many dreams it awakes within us
This white [pure] age, the age of youth
It blossoms its days within the bosom of happiness
And even if I really was not twenty years old
This life would make me feel so
Happiness smiles at us, at this land's every corner
When we say "youth" we have also said "happiness"
Tak-tak-tak, my heart is beating, lightly it talks to me
I'm twenty tears old, today I come out [emerge/sprout] into the life*, it is calling me
A new light to light in its eye, a new song to awaken in its bosom
If you love me like I love you, come and search for me
Come and search for me where life shines the most, because there I am
From my heart like a spring, only joy, only joy flows
Our heart beats at the heart of the motherland
Every heartbeat, beautiful like a song
"Twenty years old", how [beautiful] this word sounds
Oh how many dreams it awakes within us
This white [beautiful] age, the age of youth
It blossoms its days within the bosom of happiness
And even if I really wasn't twenty years old
This life would make me feel so
Happiness smiles at us, at this land's every corner
When we say "youth" we also say "happiness"
Like the morning dew
Our dreams full of light
Everywhere where the people are
They come into life with love
Versuri originale

Ne moshen e rinisë

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   Luni, 07/02/2022 - 19:14

The source lyrics have been updated. Please review your translation.