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  • Eugène Guillevic

    Parallèles → traducere în Engleză

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On va, l’espace est grand,
On se côtoie,
On veut parler.
Mais ce qu’on se raconte
L’autre le sait déjà,
Car depuis l’origine
Effacée, oubliée,
C’est la même aventure.
En rêve on se rencontre,
On s’aime, on se complète.
On ne va plus loin
Que dans l’autre et dans soi.


They go, space is large,
they stay near each other,
they want to talk.
But what one of them talks about
the other one already knows
For ever since their dimmed
and forgotten beginning,
it's the same old story.
In dreams each meets himself,
Loves himself, is complete.
Each goes no farther than
the other, or than himself.
Te rugăm să ajuți la traducerea cântecului „Parallèles”