Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     Stai cu Ucraina!
  • Sara Teasdale

    Places [III. Winter Sun] → traducere în Rusă

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Places [III. Winter Sun]

There was a bush with scarlet berries,
And there were hemlocks heaped with snow,
With a sound like surf on long sea-beaches
They took the wind and let it go.
The hills were shining in their samite,
Fold after fold they flowed away;
"Let come what may," your eyes were saying,
"At least we two have had to-day."

Зимнее солнце

Куст с гроздьями багровых ягод,
И снег на елях вековых,
И шелест, как прибой на пляжах,
Вдруг пробежал по ним и стих.
Холмы вокруг парчой сияли
И проплывали мимо нас.
В твоих глазах я прочитала:
"Пусть вечно будет, как сейчас".