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Profumi e balocchi

Tutta sfolgorante è la vetrina,
piena di balocchi e profumi.
Entra con la mamma la bambina,
tra lo sfolgorio di quei lumi.
"Comanda signora." "Cipria e colonia Coty."
"Mamma", mormora la bambina,
mentre piena di pianto ha gli occhi,
"per la tua piccolina non compri mai balocchi.
Mamma tu compri soltanto i profumi per te."
Ella nel salotto profumato,
ricco di cuscini di seta,
porge il labbro tumido al peccato.
Mentre la bambina indiscreta
dischiude quel nido pieno d’odor di Coty.
"Mamma", mormora la bambina,
mentre piena di pianto ha gli occhi,
"per la tua piccolina non compri mai balocchi.
Mamma tu compri soltanto i profumi per te."
Esile agonizza la bambina.
Or la mamma non è più ingrata,
corre a vuotare la vetrina
per la sua figliuola malata.
"Amore mio, bello, ecco i balocchi per te."
"Grazie", mormora la bambina,
vuole toccare quei balocchi,
ma il capo già reclina
e già socchiude gli occhi.
Piange la mamma pentita,
stringendola al cuor.

Perfumes and toys

The shop window is all dazzling
Full of toys and perfumes
The little girl walks in with her mom
Among the blazing of those lights
"What can I do for you, ma'am?" "Powder, cologne and Coty"
"Mom" the child murmurs
With eyes filled with tears
"You never buy toys to your little one
Mom, you only buy perfumes for yourself"
She, in a perfumed living room
full of silk cushions,
lends her thick lip to sin
while the indiscreet child
discloses that nest filled with the scent of Coty...
"Mom" the child murmurs
With eyes filled with tears
"You never buy toys to your little one
Mom, you only buy perfumes for yourself"
Feeble, the child agonises
Now her mom is not ungrateful anymore
She runs to empty the shop window
for her ill daughter.
"My darling, here's the toys for you"
"Thanks" the little girl murmurs
She wants to touch those toys
but she lowers her head already 1
and already 2 she closes her eyes.
The regretful mom cries
holding her close to her heart.
  • 1. "reclinare il capo" (to lower the head) is also used as an euphemism for "to pass away / to expire" used also in the Bible for Jesus' death.
  • 2. the repetition is done on purpose
Adriano Celentano: Top 3
   Vineri, 30/10/2015 - 21:53

Hi Eduard :)
I know you didn't write down the Italian transcription, but shouldn't the 5th line actually be two spoken lines:
commessa (store clerk): "Comanda signora" (Your order ma'am / What can I get for you?)
la mamma (the mom): "Cipria, colonia..."

Eduard PukkEduard Pukk
   Vineri, 30/10/2015 - 21:55

Right! I'm sorry... The punctuation tricked me. Dammit! It's an old fashioned way to say "What can I do for you, ma'am?" and never used in decades, so it didn't even cross my mind it could've been like that :'D

Eduard PukkEduard Pukk
   Vineri, 30/10/2015 - 23:05

It makes sense. "Balocco" is a very, very old-fashioned way to say "toy/game", probably fell into disuse around the '70s or so. I've never even heard my grandparents use "balocco" in daily language. The only way I know what it means it's because "il Paese dei Balocchi" is how the Land of Toys from Pinocchio is called in Italian.

CoopysnoopyCoopysnoopy    Joi, 04/02/2016 - 09:51

The lyrics have been edited. Please correct your translation.