Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     Stai cu Ucraina!
  • Kalina Jędrusik

    Bo we mnie jest seks → traducere în Rusă

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Меня бросает в жар

Потому что внутри меня поднимается
Горячая волна, как ветер "сáмум".
Потому что эротический загорается
Жар, тот, безудержный сáмый.
Наполняет округлости персей,
и в чресла течёт,
Вожделением сушит мне рот!
Потому что истомой такой я горю,-
Похоть всё разрушает вокруг.
Сердцеедное губит томление
Сотни1 жертв - в испепелении.
Чувства могут обжечь,
Отобрать сон у жертв,
Позабудет несчастный покой!
Эротически жгла (так хотела),
А теперь горечь мной овладела.
Мне - страданье за похоть!
Одержимость; как плохо!
Есть душа, к оболочке в довесок!
Всегда кипуча страсть во мне,
Она, сорняк, приглушит сердце.
Известно это только мне:
Душа моя, - ключ счастья дверцы!
С инем янь - сон блажен:
Мне б того повстречать,
Свет лампадки в душе
Разглядит кто сквозь страсть!
Обрету и в слезах дам герою
Секс! и душу!
- хочу так устроить!
Жестокий перст судьбы
.....меня надменно
Зачем лишает счастья,
И что за грех приносит мне несчастья
И самых страшных пыток ад
- ад страсти?
Чуть-чуть лишь декольтé нависнет -
Глядь - свежий труп плывёт по Висле2 !
Как только отопью напитков крепких ли, игристых, -
И лоно рвётся в бой, идёт на приступ!
Потому что внутри меня поднимается
Горячая волна, как ветер "самум".
Потому что эротический загорается
Жар, тот, безудержный самый.
Наполняет окружности, в чресла течёт,
С вожделением высушит рот!
Потому что истомой такой я горю,-
Похоть всё разрушает вокруг.
Сердцеедное губит томление
Сотни жертв - в испепелении.
Чувства могут пожрать
Тех, кому уж не знать
Что есть сон и покой.
Жар варился во мне,
Неудачный 3 билет -
Мне - страданье за похоть!
Одержимость; как плохо!
Но - ещё и душа, к моей плоти в довесок!
Всегда кипуча страсть во мне,
Она, сорняк, приглушит сердце.
Известно это только мне:
Душа моя, - ключ счастья дверцы!
С инем янь - сон блажен:
Мне б того повстречать,
Свет лампадки в душе
Разглядит кто сквозь страсть!
Я найду, со слезой дам хорошему
Секс и душу!
- иначе не хочется!
***При переводе допущены вольности, - но кардинальных отступлений от текста оригинала не замечено.***
  • 1. в оригинале: десятки
  • 2. река в Польше
  • 3. лото
Versuri originale

Bo we mnie jest seks

Fă click aici pentru a vedea versurile originale (Poloneză)

AldefinaAldefina    Sâmbătă, 09/05/2020 - 15:52

I have corrected the formatting, punctuation and one small typo - it's now że ją me ciało tak opętało.

You may need to correct your translation. Sorry for the inconvenience.

AldefinaAldefina    Sâmbătă, 09/05/2020 - 21:28

I just read your translation and I must say that it has very little in common with the original. I wouldn't even call it a translation, 'cause you killed the whole idea of this song. I will submit an English translation. I hope it may help you to redo this one.

AldefinaAldefina    Sâmbătă, 09/05/2020 - 22:09

As for the moment I have to unpublish this translation, 'cause it doesn't make any sense.

   Sâmbătă, 18/07/2020 - 18:03

1.Can I ask, why did you not wait until there will be your English text? Why did you take down my text immediately, without any other warning or action?
2.This is a poetic translation. There is a disclaimer to that effect. Did you see it? **При переводе допущены вольности, - но кардинальных отступлений от текста оригинала не замечено.** My text, in whole, renders both the idea and the spirit of the original, as well as honoring many specific expressions and metaphors.
3. Also, in the case of deviation, I made footnote(s). Example - not tens but hundreds of victims, replacement dictated by rhythm.
I agree to see to it in case reasonable changes will be needed- so where is the English text which, according to you, will explain to me the original including such important elements and basic ideas that I failed to translate?
thank you

AldefinaAldefina    Duminică, 10/05/2020 - 15:49

[@zanzara]: Arkadiuszu, proszę rzuć na to okiem i wytłumacz mu, że to co opublikował nie ma nic wspólnego z oryginałem i dlatego musiało zostać "odpublikowane". Ja już nie mam siły z nim dyskutować, a to nie jest jego pierwsze tłumaczenie, które jest jego fantazją niemającą nic wspólnego z tekstem piosenki.

AldefinaAldefina    Duminică, 28/02/2021 - 22:52

How many times will I have to unpublish this piece of poetry that cannot be treated as a translation? Remember, it was a request. What you did was not serious. People request translations, 'cause they want to know what is the song about and what did you do? Why have you removed it from your own page?

AldefinaAldefina    Vineri, 05/03/2021 - 22:41

I explained in detail the reasons for such a low rating above. Let me repeat: both the meaning and - what's perhaps even more important - the style of the Polish lyrics were lost. It's not a translation.

   Sâmbătă, 06/03/2021 - 00:50

Ok. 2 раза пытался заблокировать мой текст, 2 раза был отрезвлён на этом сайте, с объяснениями, что значит "собственный поэтический текст". Меня заблокировал, чтобы я не мог оставить комментарий к твоим переводам, а там есть что предать критике, да мне нет резона. Каким же смелым можно быть, закрывшись от меня своим статусом. До свидания!

AldefinaAldefina    Sâmbătă, 06/03/2021 - 10:53

Please don't tell rubbish. I have never forbidden you to publish this "text", I only tried to make you understand that it should have been published as your own poetry. Please check FAQ 2.9. You're fooling the readers who want to learn what is this song about and, even if you seem to make some changes, every single stanza has nothing in common with the Polish song. You wrote a pure fantasy. Nevertheless it's typical for many Russians who don't understand what they translate.


AlmitraAlmitra    Sâmbătă, 06/03/2021 - 14:29
Aldefina a scris:

Nevertheless it's typical for many Russians who don't understand what they translate.

Hmm... And what made you single out Russians as the ones who don't know what they're doing? I'd say that being prone to overinterpreting the original or making translations that one might find lacking is a personal trait, not a national one. But what do I understand, being Russian and all.

AldefinaAldefina    Sâmbătă, 06/03/2021 - 14:48

You misunderstood my words. I didn't mean it refers to all Russians, even if I used the word "many". We have many great Russian translators, but also a lot of those who write texts that show they misunderstood the lyrics and wrote some pure poetic fantasy. Just one example that I was able to find quickly:

I don't have time to search, but you can find many of that sort.

AlmitraAlmitra    Sâmbătă, 06/03/2021 - 15:10

Oh, I did see the qualifier there, but I still believe that what the ones you're referring to are doing has nothing to do with their being Russian. Sometimes they mistranslate on purpose, sometimes they do so because they can't do better than that, sometimes it's something in their background or education. Whatever the case may be, it's personal. So if I were to say what you said, I'd say, for instance, 'It's so typical of some people to misunderstand and mistranslate the original.' After all, you're disagreeing with Ed's translation, not his background, so unless you wanted to take a personal stab at him, there was no need for the word 'Russian' there. Anyway, I have no intention of blowing this out of proportion, so let's leave it at that.

AldefinaAldefina    Sâmbătă, 06/03/2021 - 16:14

No need to overreact. Of course it was not an accusation against Russians in general. The only thing I wanted to say is that I noticed that Russian users seem to do it too often, much more often than other users. Just my observation. Don't ask me why that happens. I don't know.

AldefinaAldefina    Sâmbătă, 06/03/2021 - 16:36

Okay, after digesting it for a while I think I know the answer. Russians seem to have more fantasy and are able to write better poems. The thing is they should publish them where they belong - as their own poetry and not as translations. Users from other countries probably don't have such virtues, so they prefer to use GT or similar for translating.

BratBrat    Sâmbătă, 06/03/2021 - 17:03

This happens for the following 3 main reasons:
1. There are many Russian translators on the site, so you can meet them almost every day;
2. Our languages are too like from a layman's viewpoint, so there's few of them who are able to withstand the temptation to translate something from Polish;
3. A huge lot of false cognates are at the disposal of the above mentioned ones.

AldefinaAldefina    Sâmbătă, 06/03/2021 - 17:25

[@Brat]: The thing is, from what I saw, it refers mainly to translations from English. As for Polish so far it's the only case that I was able to see.

And as for Polish and Russian the are many false friends, e.g. икра -> kawior, ковер -> dywan, диван -> kanapa. A nice string, isn't it?

It's much worse between Polish and Czech:

There was one case when a Polish priest came to Czechia and was looking for a bishop. As he didn't speak Czech, he said that in Polish: "Szukam biskupa". Czechs were shocked, because they understood it as "I fuck the bishop". :D

BlackSea4everBlackSea4ever    Sâmbătă, 06/03/2021 - 17:08

Ref: Это не перевод.
Hi, we just once again having the same discussion. It’s nice to have the original on the left and poem on the right.
I follow the rules (moved my отсебятина), but I have observed several times that a simple tag = adaptation would solve the dilemma.

AldefinaAldefina    Sâmbătă, 06/03/2021 - 19:04

Indeed it could have been a much better solution to mark it as an adaptation. Normally I wouldn't objected it, but not in this case. Remember, it was a request and when somebody requests translation he wants to know what is the song about. In my opinion submitting adaptation to fulfill the request is not serious. Without a request it would have been okay. Even as the first translation.

The real problem, which I don't understand, is that we talked about it with wisigoth in private and he finally agreed with me. Our discussion had ended very friendly and I had thought we both really agreed, but later again, for no reason, he started creating chaos.

As I said elsewhere, I wanted to help him to correct his text, but as he started attacking and slandering me in public and spamming my translations I decided: No more!

What's very strange also another moderator unpublished 4 of his translations for similar reasons and he never objected. As for the moment they are still unpublished. Many other people also expressed similar opinions about unpublished translations. One of them was Pierre, who decided to leave after similar unpleasant discussion with another Russian. Wisigoth also attacked very unpleasantly Pierre, because of giving him twice one star votes. His behavior is unacceptable. He sees everyone who disagrees with his translation as an enemy and attacks him. How can you talk to someone like that?

Okay, this time it's the end. I'm not going to continue. It doesn't make sense anymore.

AlmitraAlmitra    Sâmbătă, 06/03/2021 - 17:10

Yes, there are differences between schools of translation. It is a well-known fact that the Western tradition is leaning toward a more literal approach, whereas, say, the Russian tradition is more interpretative in nature. And it is also true that our literary tradition almost compells us frown on simplistic, faceless, banal words (and, unlike some languages, in Russian it is bad form to use the same word not just in the same line, but in the same stanza). So those things may have an impact. But at the end of the day it's still up to an individual what approach to take. Eduardo, judging by the translations I've seen, is very creative in redressing the original thought, but nevertheless, when you get through the unfamiliar facade, you see the same thought as in the original. I don't know about this translation, for I can't speak Polish.

Anyway, all I'm saying is that we're all individuals here, so it's a slippery slope to assume that someone is doing something because they belong to a certain group, so I was hoping that we could avoid this. For pointing a finger at someone, however unintentional, always brings unnecessary drama, and people get upset.

IgeethecatIgeethecat    Sâmbătă, 06/03/2021 - 20:35
Aldefina a scris:

Okay, after digesting it for a while I think I know the answer. Russians seem to have more fantasy and are able to write better poems. The thing is they should publish them where they belong - as their own poetry and not as translations. Users from other countries probably don't have such virtues, so they prefer to use GT or similar for translating.

Фантазии у нас не занимать, это точно. Я вот тоже с польского переводила, и даже рифмовать пыталась (впервые в жизни)ótki-wiersz-o-długotrwałej-miłości-крат...ść-однородность.html...

IgeethecatIgeethecat    Sâmbătă, 06/03/2021 - 11:10

Oh, guys, please stop fighting! Давайте пожмём друг другу руки?

AldefinaAldefina    Sâmbătă, 06/03/2021 - 11:19

That's what I tried to do, but he rejected my hand and tries to reinforce his own rules. This site is about translating. My translations are not literal, but I do everything to keep both the style and the meaning. What you see above is a joke. Это не перевод.

   Sâmbătă, 06/03/2021 - 16:50

Только мне одному кажется, что здесь ку-ку уже отъехало?

BratBrat    Sâmbătă, 06/03/2021 - 17:05

У вас явно тупик во взаимоотношениях, но до ку-ку вроде бы не дошло...

BalkantürkBalkantürk    Sâmbătă, 11/12/2021 - 00:28

Hi, Eduardo since you have asked me my opinion about Andrzej's rate I took a look. Sorry, for not answer before. Ok, I have to say that the translation is completely inaccurate... It's not the word секс the problem is that your translation is totally different from the original poem; the meaning is completely different. You wanted to make an adaptation? Do you know Polish language? You could take a look to the one I uploaded but it was like that

Потому что внутри меня секс,
Горячий, как самум.
Потому что внутри меня секс.
Кто противостоит пустыне Каракум?
Он обтекает мои бедра,
Наполняет мою грудь,
Тепло хочет в мой рот скользнуть.
Потому что внутри меня секс,
Который жжёт, будто черти.
Десятки сердец
Он сжёг до полусмерти.
Кого бы чувства
Не охватил огонь,
Тот уже не познает
Покой и сон.
Но когда я поглощаю
Свою жертву жаром,
Я должна страдать,
Потому что мое тело
Так сильно ею овладело,
Хотя у меня есть душа помимо тела!
Но мой внутренний секс,
Как сорняк, её заглушает.
Никто ведь даже не знает,
Что кроме секса есть душа.
А я все еще мечтаю,
Что кто-то меня охватит,
И фонари моей души
Средь чувств искать станет.
Такому, в слезах, я отдам
И душу, и секс!
Зачем же постоянно
Жестокий палец судьбы
Вот так меня надменно
Лишает счастья неизменно?
И за какие грехи
Чувственный туман
Мучает мои женские черты?
Лишь только я немного приоткрою грудь,
И около меня ложится мужской труп.
Лишь выпячу немножечко бедро,
И страсть застонет у моих ног пестро.

   Sâmbătă, 11/12/2021 - 03:55

Thank you, you did what you had promised! Will you be able to provide the definition of a "poetic" translation?
I understand Polish, with a dictionary, to help me through some expressions.

BalkantürkBalkantürk    Sâmbătă, 11/12/2021 - 14:02

For me "poetic" is something written in verse or touching despite not rhyming at all... I also would give my applause to someone who tries to make it poetic without success. Polish have a lot of false friends and I can understand it's a bit difficult to make poetic translations with them. In my opiniion, this doesn't deserve one star neither unpublish it. I saw request translations than were adaptations (far as the original meaning) I myself did it. It's true that it wasn't a request but it was little far from the original meaning. The main reason I asked if you know the language is because maybe you have used the English translation (which was not the case) and so of that I tought maybe the problem was the use of other version as a model. For me, it's not something to tear my hair out :) Just tag it as "adaptation", as I said and everything would be fine

   Sâmbătă, 11/12/2021 - 14:22

Dear [@Balkantürk] ! Thank you for everything! Indeed, one star here is a nonsense, thank you for being honest and following your principles consistently!
There is no "adaptation" tag, to my knowledge.
I do not wish to analyze your translation.
Just please understand that "во мне есть секс" или "мой внутренний секс" do not sound natural in poetic Russian и в этих случаях переводчик должен искать альтернативу.

BalkantürkBalkantürk    Duminică, 12/12/2021 - 12:44

Well, LT rules said that 1 star means GT and since you didn't use any machine tool I don't see any reason to rate this with one star... I am pretty sure that Andrej wanted a translation and not an adaptation (I forgot to say it; next to the title, in parentheses, write adaptation). If it was what Andrej wanted then you could make it literal. But, I think that the best solution is to overlook the ratings, as I made a translation approved by Andrej, and accept your "adaptation" version.

I forgot to say that as far as I know they say in Russian "мой внутренний мир". My teacher once told us that they say that the appearance of the person is not important. It's important what this person does, that the person does good things, helps others etc... So then they say "his внутренний мир", and that's a good parallel with the translation of "мой внутренний секс" или "во мне есть секс

AldefinaAldefina    Sâmbătă, 08/01/2022 - 22:36

Dora, 1 star doesn't mean that it's GT or similar. Here's the rule:

1 - terrible, just like a machine translation . It’s so bad that it shouldn’t be published on this site.

Of course it's not a machine translation, but the thing is it's not a translation at all and that's why I gave only one star. It should have been published as his own poetry,but well... I'm repeating myself.

BalkantürkBalkantürk    Sâmbătă, 08/01/2022 - 23:20

Ox ok thanks for pointed it up. I didn't remember all the rules, but I don't think this is just like a machine translation... I think Eduardo should add "Adaptation" behind the title so the problem will be solved. Also, ok the rules said 1 star just like a machine translation but this is not like a machine translation. Sorry I don't see the reason of writting one star. Maybe it's time to encourage Eduardo by saying what you said: published as your own poetry. You could do that .@wisigoth or you could make a translation that matches with Polish lyrics?

IgeethecatIgeethecat    Duminică, 09/01/2022 - 00:18

oh! not again!
переключайтесь on my AC/DC translation

BalkantürkBalkantürk    Duminică, 09/01/2022 - 00:47

You mean the group I didn't remember you post a translation of any song. Anyway, I just became part of the "discussion" because Eduardo asked my opinion about it and of course there is no "fight" (I know you were thinking about that, it's just that I wanted to be clear) :) As a Russian native, what is your opinion?

BalkantürkBalkantürk    Duminică, 09/01/2022 - 14:26

No problem, I understand it now. Me neither, better not to have problems with anyone and here there is no problem :)

AldefinaAldefina    Duminică, 09/01/2022 - 11:58

Dora, this discussion doesn't make sense. He asked you for your opinion because he expected you to praise him, but you agreed with me and told him that his translation was completely inaccurate. I'd be very surprised if he corrected anything.

I'm not going to comment anymore. He knows very well everything.

BalkantürkBalkantürk    Duminică, 09/01/2022 - 14:32

Well in fact no, he commented it and then I was me who said: Do you want a second opinion? Or something like that. I don't think you shouldn't call brand Eduardo as the guy who wants to be prised because he doesn't seem this kind of guy. Sometimes is good to have the lyrics on the left and on the right a poem or an adaptation tag. Yes, better leave the discussion here, .@wisgoth I encourage you to do more polish russian translation and if you need any help just contact me :)

   Luni, 10/01/2022 - 16:57

[@Balkantürk] you are someone who has integrity - always a pleasure to deal with! Thank you!