Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     Stai cu Ucraina!
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Ti i ja minus ona

Ti i ja
Stajao si okrenut ledjima
kraj tebe neka crna i golisava
umrla sam po ko zna koji put
sta je meni, sta mi se to desava
Ti i ja minus ona
ti i ja minus ona
to je stvar trenutka
jos sam tvoja plava lutka
Skidam te jos u mislima
al' ne volim ono sto vidim tu
svud' po tebi njeni su tragovi
nema mene na tvom' ramenu
Ma, hajde, okreni se
one noci seti se
po telu sam ti zelje pisala
ujutru ih suzom brisala

You and me minus her

You and me
You stood with your back turned to me
beside you was a naked woman with black hair
I died for who knows how many times
What's wrong with me, what's happening to me
You and me minus her
you and me minus her
it's a matter of time
I'm still you blonde doll (beautiful girl)
I'm still taking off your clothes in my mind
But I don't like what I'm seeing there
All over you are her traces
Mine are not your shoulder
Come on, turn around
Remember that night
when I wrote my wishes on your body
and wiped them away with my tears in the morning