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  • Cajsa Stina Åkerström

    Vår sång → traducere în Engleză

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Our Song

You were a question that required an answer
We met in a ticket line at Stockholm Central
A feeling of familiarity and all doubts disappeared
Then our journey toward each other began
We had a coffee and talking was easy
We shared the same worldviews
We were alike in so many ways
Now we're walking here, amazed like lovers do
And exploring everyday life with each other
This is our song
This is a victory
That we dared to start over
And that we're alive
Here with each other
There are those who see us as an odd couple
Who mean that our relationship won't last
But our bond is strengthened with time
And trials just bring us closer to each other
On the TV they talk about hard parcels
About the declining economic state, and unemployment
But when live strikes us with a ruthless hand
Then we find strength in each other
This is our song
This is a victory
That we dared to start over
And that we're alive
Here with each other
This is a song
When the morning's last flickering light goes out
Black is the night above the slumbering house
Tomorrow prepares itself in the dawn
While you and I land with each other
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Vår sång

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