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  • Piknik (Russia)

    Азбука Морзе → перевод на Английский

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Азбука Морзе

Чтобы время не мчалось вперёд,
Чтобы день не гонялся за днём,
Он часы ненавистные жжёт
огнём... огнём...
А потом размахнётся - и бьёт,
Кулаками морщины разглаживая, -
Скоро время назад пойдёт,
Расскажите об этом
А ты сиди и не ёрзай, угу,
И азбукой Морзе
подмигивай мне!
Мы сделаем вид,
Что мир нам открыт
Он взорвёт лихорадочный день
И сиянием обескуражит!
Элвис новые песни споёт!
(А то как же...)
К сердцу плачущих нищих прижмёт -
На огонь, что не гаснет, укажет...
Скоро время назад пойдёт,
Расскажите об этом

Morse Code

In order to prevent time from tearing at full speed
And one day, from chasing the other,
He'd commit the abhorred clock
to the flames... to the flames...
And then he'd strike himself in the face with all his might,
Smoothing wrinkles away with marrowbones, -
hark! The course of history's gonna reverse,
Tell it
to everybody!
And you'd better stop fidgeting, uh-huh,
You can wink at me though
with Morse Code!
We'll feign that
The Iron Curtain
has been thrown to the dogs.
He'll blow up the frantic haste
And will discourage it with his own aureole!
Elvis will release some new songs!
(Don't be lost in day-dreams dupe...)
He'll clasp tearful beggars to his bosom -
And then he'll say, see that eternal flame...
The course of history's gonna reverse,
Tell it
to everybody!
ciganycigany    вт, 28/12/2021 - 10:49

"Мы сделаем вид, Что мир нам открыт вполне."

that means literally "we feign that the world is completely open to us".

i know it can mean what you wrote but i´d like it if the interpretation was left to the reader.

   пт, 31/12/2021 - 12:37

This band has plenty of material fully abstract and "left fully for the listeners' fantasy and intrepretation". But this song here (just as the songs "from Korea till Karelia" or "Drunkards and Bumps in the Roads") is for sure about the band's (and mine ;) ) homeland, Russia.

ciganycigany    вс, 02/01/2022 - 00:11

the metaphor was clear enough, so i just think the most obvious meaning (iron curtain) doesn´t need to be spelled out for the reader, because that way it is not open to interpretation anymore.

but generally that is your artistic freedom, so don´t take my point as criticism, but merely as an opinion.
thank you for your work! i love piknik´s lyrics