DreamNote Discography

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DreamNote Discography

DreamNote (드림노트) is a six-member girl group under iMe KOREA. Originally as eight, they debuted on November 7, 2018 with the single album "Dreamlike".

1. DreamNote Исполнитель

Страна:  Южная Корея

Жанр:  Pop

Языки:  Корейский, Английский

Популярные песни:  GHOSTBLUEBittersweet

2. DreamNote: Dreamlike Коллекция

"Dreamlike" is the debut single album by DreamNote. It was released on November 7, 2018 with "Dream Note" serving as the single's title track.

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3. DreamNote: Dream:us Коллекция

"Dream:us" is the second single album by DreamNote. It was released on March 12, 2019 with "Hakuna Matata" serving as the single's title track.

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4. DreamNote: Dream Wish Коллекция

"Dream Wish" is the third single album by DreamNote. It was released on January 8, 2020 with "Wish" serving as the single's title track.

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5. DreamNote || Dreams Alive Коллекция

Dreams Alive is the fourth single album by DreamNote.
It was released on October 26, 2021 with "Ghost" serving as the single's title track.

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6. DreamNote || Secondary Page Коллекция

Secondary Page is the fifth single album by DreamNote.
It was released on April 12, 2023 with "Lemonade" serving as the single's title track.
"Blue" was pre-released on April 3, 2023.

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