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  • Pierre Louÿs

    La Bouche à la vulve

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текст песни La Bouche à la vulve

À cheval par-dessus ton visage, ô bandante ?
Pour que tu puisses voir ma verge et mon anus
Je plongerai dans la blessure de Vénus
Ma langue impétueuse et ma bouche abondante
Je trouerai dans les poils le baiser rubicond
Des grandes lèvres, sur qui frémiront mes lèvres
Et comme un dard de bouc à la vulve des chèvres
Le membre de ma gueule enfilera ton con.
Et tu hurleras, tu pleureras sous la brûlure
Mais l’emportement sauvage de mon allure
Tremblera jusqu’au fond par bonds interrompus
Et fou d’avoir léché la fente vaginale
Je boirai sur le spasme de ses bords lippus
Les flueurs témoignant de ta joie infernale.


Переводы "La Bouche à la vulve"
Pierre Louÿs: Топ 3
BlackSea4everBlackSea4ever    вс, 15/09/2019 - 16:24

I don't know about talented, but you can compete for obscene.
Actually, not even for obscene, but for poor taste... Strong contender...

silencedsilenced    вт, 17/09/2019 - 17:58

Sorry to disagree, but in my opinion this is actually very refined French, without an ounce of vulgarity, nor any disrespect for anyone.
It's just not appropriate to a sexually immature audience and as such should be kept out of children's reach, but as far as adults are concerned this is indeed a work of art.
Needless to say GT is of no help whatsoever here. The quality lies in the formal work, not the trivial abstract of a sexual intercourse.

BlackSea4everBlackSea4ever    вт, 17/09/2019 - 17:55

I trust you, Pierre, as I don't see/appreciate the refinement you can tell.
Could you or Ph contribute to my insomnia collection - have tons of Russian, very few English, and would love some French, German, Spanish entries. Ty.

BlackSea4everBlackSea4ever    ср, 18/09/2019 - 13:34

I got a notification ping and as I closely resemble pavlov's dog behavior when computer pings me or phone rings... I answer. Then, I was puzzled it was Sandring thanking you! Outrage! Lol.

sandringsandring    ср, 18/09/2019 - 11:55

Who says it's awful? Nadia knows her French. The content is bold but the language is pretty vivid and up to the literary standards. Be everything that we see in chastushkas written in standard literary Russian I wouldn't say a word. The Canterbury Tales are full of scabrous jokes but the language is beautiful, beautiful Middle English. And nobody minds.

   ср, 18/09/2019 - 07:39

Guaranteed 100% mat-free. But it could be interesting to translate it into mat. Will you try ? ;)

sandringsandring    ср, 18/09/2019 - 12:06

Now it's a French erotic poem. Translated into mat it will become Russian porno.

silencedsilenced    ср, 18/09/2019 - 13:30

Sandring of Arc on a crusade to drive the Russian limericks out of LT :D

sandringsandring    ср, 18/09/2019 - 13:31

Quite the opposite. Let chastushkas stay together with the comments. Like any published source they'll be telling of their submitters, commenters and translators long after they are gone from here. Branding. And one more thing, Pierre. Remember to forget my name, be so kind.

silencedsilenced    ср, 18/09/2019 - 13:30

Sorry. The pun got the best of me. I fixed it.

   ср, 18/09/2019 - 13:39
sandring escribió:

Like any published source they'll be telling of their submitters, commenters and translators long after they are gone from here.

I do hope so, because I sweated a lot trying to make nice translations of them.

sandringsandring    ср, 18/09/2019 - 13:33

You may forget my user name as well. I'd appreciate it very much. Excuse my French!

BlackSea4everBlackSea4ever    ср, 18/09/2019 - 13:38

I fixed my comments to take out your name, but got confused about the user id.
And just to be clear, I don't see anything erotic in this poem not that i had any intent of translating into mat. Now, I might just create an answer for jadis. N, men are so immature even when mature...

   ср, 18/09/2019 - 13:40

That's what I said, it's a pornographic poem rather than an erotic one.

sandringsandring    ср, 18/09/2019 - 13:46

I specifically asked Pierre to forget my name, not anybody else. D, these men are just getting on. I'm not angry.

   ср, 18/09/2019 - 14:01

By the way, here for example you got a chastushka without the faintest mat in it (as far as I can see), yet is is rather daring... So what should be the criterion for determining what is correct and what should burn in the flames of Hell ?

BlackSea4everBlackSea4ever    ср, 18/09/2019 - 14:14

Nothing daring in this linked one.
And don't start again on censorship - nobody mentioned it at all here. Some chastushki are quite obscene, but if you are inexplicably drawn do it in order to find just the rhyme, it's your prerogative.
It's our prerogative to say just how much we dislike them - to the point of wishing they were gone. But we don't have the magic wand Ww has... Otherwise, it would be in our power to determine what should be gone in a puff of smoke...😇

   ср, 18/09/2019 - 14:20

Ah, I see you call дубинка "the magic wand" ? Now that's your prerogative too, for sure... ;)

silencedsilenced    ср, 18/09/2019 - 14:22

Non, rien à voir. C'est une private joke :)
wWw avait banni un spammer en parlant d'utiliser sa baguette magique, c'est tout.

   ср, 18/09/2019 - 14:34

Je n'ai pas pu m'empêcher, elle était trop belle... :)
Luckily Deanna does not get easily offended.

silencedsilenced    ср, 18/09/2019 - 14:35

Pas comme d'autres, apparemment...

BlackSea4everBlackSea4ever    ср, 18/09/2019 - 14:29

Agh...you are incorrigible. I am going to translate in mat for you.
And, whatever Pierre said...

   ср, 18/09/2019 - 19:03

Can't get to the page, but shouldn't it be "бляха-муха" or something ?
(It's getting damned hot here, don't you think so ?)

silencedsilenced    ср, 18/09/2019 - 13:42

Come on, this is no cause for a hundred years' war, or is it?

   ср, 18/09/2019 - 13:49

Here you got something cooler (allowed for children under 18). I'd appreciate constructive feedback.

BlackSea4everBlackSea4ever    ср, 18/09/2019 - 13:56

This linked one is mildly funny. This one isn't pornographic, but more of a study to prove one knows the subject - maybe French is refined, but to me it sounds dumb.

silencedsilenced    ср, 18/09/2019 - 14:02

This is one of the most popular nursery rhymes in France. The lewd undertones have been lost as the vocabulary evolved, but the original song was clearly not meant for children.

   ср, 18/09/2019 - 14:06

Well, it's supposed to be a children song... Not all children can read Shakespeare in their cradle.
(Edit) Oh, I see I said just the opposite of Pierre. Well, he's right, but now it turned to be a children's song, and the two last stanzas are usually "forgotten".

   ср, 18/09/2019 - 16:00

Je cherche le nom de l'album, du bouquin..?
Je ne connaissais pas cet auteur, alors merci..mais peut être qu'il serait bien venu en SVT compte tenu
du nouveau programme ou enfin ! la structure complète du clito est dévoilée.On connaissait mieux la planète Mars
que la femme....Pourquoi ?....

   ср, 18/09/2019 - 17:40

Je n'ai pas trouvé de quoi c'est tiré, peut-être qu'il s'agit d'un poème n'appartenant pas à un recueil ?
Je l'ai trouvé sur "Paradis des Albatros" Il est indiqué en tête "La Femme" (?)

silencedsilenced    ср, 18/09/2019 - 18:06

On connaît aussi mieux Mars que Vénus. C'est plus dur à explorer...

silencedsilenced    ср, 18/09/2019 - 18:36

Il faudrait d'abord retrouver une certaine liberté de ton...
Pour moi les années 70 c'est la référence de la vraie provoc, celle qui fait rire et réfléchir au lieu de choquer gratuitement.

   ср, 18/09/2019 - 18:55

Certes, mais en ce qui concerne Pierre Louÿs, il est mort en 1925...

silencedsilenced    ср, 18/09/2019 - 19:08

De toute façon son truc c'était pas la provoc :D