Want this one really bad!

2 posts / 0 новых
Редактор & Super Member
<a href="/ru/translator/lyricalmiracle" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1395191">LyricalMiracle <div class="editor_icon" title="Редактор" ></div></a>
Регистрация: 05.09.2018
Pending moderation

Hey guys,

Sorry to add this here I know we go through requests but it's been a while it's incomplete and I was wondering if someone would be kind enough who is a fluent Spanish speaker (because I don't speak fluently) to translate this to English, i'd be grateful :)!


Thank you!

Редактор в отставке
<a href="/ru/translator/spnuze" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1215215">spnuze </a>
Регистрация: 30.07.2014

(Edited: I saw the translation was previously added in the translation request box, so I delete it all)