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Guatemalan National Anthem - Himno Nacional de Guatemala

Guatemala feliz…! que tus aras
no profane jamás el verdugo;
ni haya esclavos que laman el yugo
ni tiranos que escupan tu faz.
Si mañana tu suelo sagrado
lo amenaza invasión extranjera,
libre al viento tu hermosa bandera
a vencer o amorir llamará.
Libre al viento tu hermosa bandera
a vencer o a morir llamará;
que tu pueblo con ánima fiera
antes muerto que esclavo será.
De tus viejas y duras cadenas
tú forjaste con mano iracunda,
el arado que el suelo fecunda
y la espada que salva el honor.
Nuestros padres lucharon un día
encendidos en patrio ardimiento,
y lograron sin choque sangriento
colocarte en un trono de amor.
Y lograron sin choque sangriento
colocarte en un trono de amor,
que de patria en enérgico acento
dieron vida al ideal redentor.
Es tu enseña pedazo de cielo
en que prende una nube su albura,
y !ay! de aquel que con ciega locura
sus colores pretenda manchar.
Pues tus hijos valientes y altivos,
que veneran la paz cual presea,
nunca esquivan la ruda pelea
si defienden su tierra y su hogar.
Nunca esquivan la ruda pelea
si defienden su tierra y su hogar,
que es tan sólo el honor su alma idea
y el altar de la patria su altar.
Recostada en el ande soberbio,
de dos mares al ruido sonoro,
bajo el ala de grana y de oro
te adormeces del bello Quetzal.
Ave indiana que vive en tu escudo,
paladión que proteje tu suelo;
!ojalá que remonte su vuelo,
más que el condor y el aguila real!
!Ojalá que remonte su vuelo,
más que el condor y el aguila real!
y en sus alas levante hasta el cielo,
GUATEMALA, tu nombre inmortal!

Guatemalan National Anthem

¡Happy Guatemala! May your orchards
never be defiled by the executioner,
neither let there be slaves licking the yoke
or tyrants spitting in your face.
If tomorrow your hallowed lands
are under threat of foreign invasion
your beautiful flag, free in the wind,
will call to triumph or die trying.
Your beautiful flag, free in the wind,
will call to triumph or die trying.
Your people, their soulds burning,
will be rather dead than enslaved.
From your old, hard chains
you smelted, with a wrathful hand
the plow that fetilizes the land
and the sword that guards the honor.
Our fathers fought one day
lightened up by patriotic fire
and, without a bloody clash, obtained
a throne of love for you to sit in.
And, without a bloody clash, obtained
a throne of love for you to sit in
which, with powerful words gave
life to the redeeming ideals of the homeland.
Your teachings are a piece of heaven
in which a cloud fixes its whiteness
and woe betide who, in blind madness
tries to befoul its colors.
Fort your proud, altive sons,
that revere the peace like a religion,
never shy from the heated fighting
if it´s to defend land and home.
Never shy from the heated fighting
if it´s to defend land and home.
For honor is their only ideal on their souls
and the homeland´s altar their only worship place.
Leaning against the imposing Andine Mountains,*
with the mighty rumbling of two seas
under a wing of crimson and gold
you drowse of on the shadow of the beatiful Quetzal **
Indian fowl that lives on your crest,
paladin that protects your land,
¡Might it fly even higher
than the condor and the bald eagle!
¡Might it fly even higher
than the condor and the bald eagle
and upon its wings carry up to heaven
Guatemala, your undying name!
Коллекции с "Guatemalan National ..."
Idioms from "Guatemalan National ..."
   вс, 28/10/2012 - 15:38
mario.rodriguezgonzalez.9 wrote:

I am kind of curious about why someone would request a national anthem to be translated. Not complaining- and it was a fun translation to do, too, but certainly it´s not a request I see often.

I was wanting to translate it into Tongan just for fun, but I'm not familiar with the Spanish language. So I made a request to have it translated into English where I could use it as a template. Thank you very much and I'm glad you had fun in the process ^_^



Edit: Greetings!
In the process of translating, I came across a couple inconsistencies that I wanted to bring up:

Line 3 of Block 3: 'souls' instead of 'soulds'?
Line 4 of Block 3: 'would rather be dead' instead of 'will be rather dead'?

By the way, your translation is very poetic and colloquial -- love it!

Fool EmeritusFool Emeritus
   вс, 28/10/2012 - 19:58

Line 3 of block 3: Yes, typo on my behalf. It's souls.
Linbe 4 of block 3: Yes, "would rather be dead" is more appropiate.

I'm glad you liked the transaltion. About it being poetic, the tone of the original is rather poetic in itself. The rhythm, choice of words and structures are rather more close to poetry than everyday language, so I tried to keep that in mind while translating.