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Napule e Surriento

Surriento: 'a luna chiara
E ciento varche cu 'na stella a pprora
Che pace e che friscura
For'a 'sta loggia a mare, 'int'a 'sti ssere!
Tengo vint'anne ancora
Bella, vicino a te!
Dorme Surriento
'Mmiez'addore d' 'e ciardine
Che sentimento
'Sti cchitarre e manduline!
Rimpetto, Napule
Sì e no, se tocca
Vocca cu vvocca
Te voglio, Marì!
Oje luna, oje bella luna
Ch'a Napule tramunte chianu chiano
Fermate a Margellina
E di' a chi penza a me ca stò luntano:
"Surriento è 'na catena
Ca nun se pò spezzà!"
Dorme Surriento
'Mmiez'addore d' 'e ciardine
Che sentimento
'Sti cchitarre e manduline!
Rimpetto, Napule
Sì e no, se tocca
Vocca cu vvocca
Te voglio, Marì!
Rimpetto, Napule
Sì e no, se tocca
Vocca cu vvocca
Te voglio, Marì!

Naples and Sorrento

Sorrento. The bright moon
And thousand boats with a star on prow.
What a peace! What a freshness
On this balcony on sea, these evenings!
I'm twenty years old yet,
Sweetheart, I'm close to you!
Sorrento sleeps
Among the fragrances of gardens.
What a feeling,
These guitars and mandolins!
In front of Naples,
Yes or no, touch each other
Lips with lips...
I love you, Maria!
I love you. And without voice
My heart beats and it seems that it tells you:
"That's the sea! That's the sweet air!
That's the love that makes me happy!
I swear with the hand on a cross
That I never leave you more!"
Sorrento sleeps
Among the fragrances of gardens.
What a feeling,
These guitars and mandolins!
In front of Naples,
Yes or no, touch each other
Lips with lips...
I love you, Maria!
Oh, moon, oh, beautiful moon
That slowly sets over Naples,
Stop over Mergellina
And tell her who thinks of me that I'm far:
"Sorrento is a chain
That it's impossible to break!"
Sorrento sleeps
Among the fragrances of gardens.
What a feeling,
These guitars and mandolins!
In front of Naples,
Yes or no, touch each other
Lips with lips...
I love you, Maria!