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アリ王子のお通り [Prince Ali]

(皆の者聞け プリンスのお通り)
Hey そこのけそこのけ邪魔だ
おいコラお前 図が高い
さぁさぁいよいよ プリンスのお通りだ
道を開けろ 鳴らせ鐘太鼓 偉大なお方だ
プリンスアリ 遥々アバブワから
崇めた手 跪け 落ち着いて
失礼なきように 身なり整えて
お姿 一目拝みに来い
プリンスアリ 史上最強の王子
そこいらの男はお呼びじゃない ハハハー
100人の悪者を バッサリとなぎ倒し
(金のラクダ75頭)スゲェ まだまだあるぜ
珍獣猛獣が大行進 腰抜かすなよ
(そうまるで バンコクの) 動物博覧会
プリンスアリ 一目で恋しちゃうわ
(その微笑み キラキラこのハートはドキドキ)
きゃー素敵目が合った とろけちゃう 食べちゃいたい
ベール外して みんな準備して
お迎えしようぜ 王子様を
(なにもかもがピカイチだわ) もっと言おう
(白い猿乗せてきた) お猿さんだ見てごらんよ
(金貨だってくれるよ 優しいお方だ)
(人々の幸せを 何よりも 願うよ いつでも)
(素晴らしい王子様 我らのプリンスアリ)
プリンスア まだ続きがあるぞ
聞きたくないか? はやく合図して
プリンスアリ 美しい姫君の
やって来たんです めかし込んでさ
(クマにライオン ゾウにラクダ)
(歌と踊り ズラリ揃えて 全て) お目見えだ

Prince Ali Makes His Way [Prince Ali]

Listen, all!
The prince makes his way
Step aside! Step aside! You’re in the way
Hey you! Don't be disrespectful
Now now,
The prince is about to make his way
Clear the street
Sound your bells and drums
He’s a noble man
Prince Ali
All the way from Ababwa
Revere him, kneel down, and keep calm
Tidy up so you don’t cause disrespect
And come have a look at his highness
Prince Ali
The strongest prince in history
No need for some layman you can find anywhere
Ha ha ha
He’s the one
Who beat down a hundred bad guys
And sent them all to heaven
“What about treasure!?”
75 golden camels
“Woo! Wow!
There’s much, much more!”
Purple peacocks too
“My, my, my…!”
A great parade of rare and fierce animals
Don’t let your knees give way!
Yes, it’s like a world
Animal expo
Prince Ali
You fall in love at first sight…
(That smile: shining
This heart: quickening)
“My, how handsome!”
(Any girl would fall for him in a beat)
“We just met eyes!”
“I’m gonna melt!”
“I wanna just eat him up!”
Take off your veils
(Just watching him gets you dizzy)
Everyone, get ready
(Your knees shake, trembling, wobbling)
Let’s welcome him!
(’Cause everything about him is just perfect!)
His highness, the prince
“Oh no, how embarrassing…!”
He brought white monkeys, too
“Monkeys, look at that”
He’ll even give you gold coins
(What a kind person)
He’ll always hope for
The people’s happiness above all else
The great prince
Our Prince Ali
Prince A……
(There’s still more
Don’t you want to hear it?
Hurry, give us the sign
Now you’re talking) 1
Prince Ali
The beautiful princess -
To make “moves” to her heart
He’s come, all dressed up
Bears and lions, elephants and camels
A brass band and monks 2
Cooks and singing little birds
Lining them up, bringing them all in crowds
He shows himself!!!
  • 1. spoken, not in official lyrics
  • 2. fakirs
Idioms from "アリ王子のお通り [Prince ..."