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  • Grupul Coral Albini

    Se aud pasii Lui pe drum → перевод на Английский

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Se aud pasii Lui pe drum

Daca Domnul chiar la noapte ar veni
Vom intampina pe Mesia
Daca firul vietii noastre s-ar sfarsi
Unde vom petrece vesnicia
Poate-am fost crestin de-o viata
Poate am primit arvuna
Dar in sfanta dimineata
Ne va-ntampina cununa.
Se-aud pasii Lui pe drum
Suntem gata chiar acum
Sa zburam spre patria de sus
Cand trambita suna-va cu toti vedea-vom slava
Putea-vom sta 'naintea lui Isus.
Daca Domnul chiar la noapte ar veni
Cata truda va primi rasplata
Oare focul cat din ea va mistui
Cand lucrarea ne va fi-ncercata
Cate jertfe intregite am adus ca rod sfintirii
Cate altele stirbite de nerastignirea firii.
Se-aud pasii Lui pe drum
Suntem gata chiar acum
Sa dam socoteala Domnului
Caci vor fi rasplatite doar jertfele-ntregite
Cu ce castig venim 'naintea Lui.
Daca Domnul chiar la noapte ar veni
Va gasi smerenie si iubire
Cati din cei ce am promis ca-L vom sluji
I-am adus in adevar slujire?
Poate-am fost crestin de-o viata
Dar am fost in El lumina
S-a vazut pe-a noastra fata
Stralucirea Lui divina.
Se-aud pasii Lui pe drum
Suntem gata chiar acum
Sa zburam in stol spre porumbar
E vremea cantaririi roadelor iubirii
Sa nu ne fie lupta in zadar.
Iar de Domnul chiar la noapte n-ar veni
El e-aici prezent in adunare
Jertfa Lui inca mai poate curatii
Harul Sau iti da si azi iertare
Daca am fost crestini de-o viata
Dar am atipit pe cale
Astazi inca e deschisa
Usa indurarii Sale.
Se-aud pasii Lui pe drum
Sa fim gata chiar acum
Asteptand venirea Domnului
Biserica aleasa ce vrei sa-I fii mireasa
Nu poti sa fii oricum mireasa Lui
Se-aud pasii Lui pe drum
Sa fim gata chiar acum
Asteptand venirea Domnului
Sa ii iesim 'nainte purtand podoabe sfinte
Si vrednici ca sa fim mireasa Lui.

His steps are heard on the road

If the Lord would come tonight
Could we welcome the Messiah?
If the thread of our lives would end
Where we will spend eternity?
Maybe we've been Christians for a lifetime
Maybe we've got an advance
But in the holy morning
The crown will welcome us.
His steps are heard on the road
Are we ready right now
To fly to the Heavenly Land?
When the trumpet sounds, we'll see the glory
Could we stand before Jesus?
If the Lord would come tonight
How much hard work will get the reward?
And how much toil will go up in the flames
When the work will be tried?
How many fulfilled sacrifices have we brought as fruits of holiness
And how many decimated by human nature's temptations?
His steps are heard on the road
Are we ready right now
To answer before the Lord?
For only the fulfilled sacrifices will be rewarded
What is the gain we will bring before Him?
If the Lord would come tonight
Will He find humility and love?
How many of those who have promised to serve Him
Did they really serve Him?
Maybe we've been Christians for a lifetime
But, were we really light through Him?
Could be seen on our face
His divine brilliance?
His steps are heard on the road
Are we ready right now
To fly in flock to the granary?
It's time of weighing the fruits of love
For our fight not to be in vain.
Even if the Lord would not come tonight
He is present in the church
His sacrifice can still clean us
Even today His Grace gives us forgiveness.
If we've been Christians for a lifetime
But we stumbled on the way
Today it's still open
The door of His mercy.
His steps are heard on the road
Let's be ready right now
Waiting for the coming of the Lord
Chosen church, who wants to be His bride
You can not be His bride anyway.
His steps are heard on the road
Let's be ready right now
Waiting for the coming of the Lord
Let's go before Him wearing holy adornments
And worthy to be His bride.