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Tres al·lotes fines

Diuen que era un rei,
tenia tres filles:
les més delicades
i les més garrides.
Per què eren tan fines?
Un tarda tèbia,
quan fuig la calor,
pel jardí voltava
la filla major.
L'airet del capvespre
esfullà una rosa.
Vingué a caure un pètal
al cap de l'al·lota.
Per què eren tan fines?
I li féu un trenc,
(ai, quina passada!)
un trenc a la closca
tendra i delicada...
I exclamava el rei:
-Ai, filla estimada!
Ai, ai, filla meva...!
Que ja en tenim una de tudada!
Al cap d'alguns dies,
la filla segona
tengué mal d'esquena
que una flor li dóna.
Per què són tan fines?
Potser és una rua
que hi ha en el llençol;
remeiers ni metges
no hi troben consol...
I exclamava el rei:
-Ai, filla estimada!
Ai, ai, filla meva...!
Que ja en tinc una altra
de tudada!
Només la darrera
restava condreta.
El rei per guardar-la
que no fos malmesa,
(Perquè eren tan fines!)
li féu una gàbia
amb set jocs de vidres
- que hauria donat
la sang de set vides! -.
I passà un moscard
per on s'amagava.
El vent de ses ales
ens la constipava...!
Per què eren tan fines?
I exclamava el rei:
-Ai, filla estimada!
Ai, ai, filla meva...!
Que ja les tinc totes
tres tudades!
Escolteu: Qui endevina
quina era la més fina?

Three Delicate Girls

They say that there was a king
Who had three daughters:
The daintiest
And the prettiest there were.
Why where they so delicate?
One warm afternoon,
When the heat (of Summer) dissipates,
Was walking around the garden
The eldest daughter.
The evening breeze
Caused a rose to disintegrate.
A petal came to land
On the young girl's head.
Why were they so delicate?
And it made a crack
(Oh, such a crazy thing!)
A crack in her skull,
So soft and so fragile...
And the king exclaimed:
- Ah, my beloved daughter!
Oh no, my daughter...!
One of them is already crippled!
After some days had passed,
The second daughter
Suffered from back ache
Caused by a blossom.
Why are they so delicate?
Maybe it was a tangle
That had appeared in her bed sheet;
Neither healers nor doctors
Can find a cure for it...
And the king exclaimed:
- Ah, my beloved daughter!
Oh no, my daughter...!
Well, I have yet another one
Who is crippled!
Only the last one
Remained in one piece.
The king, to protect her
So she wouldn't be wounded
('Cause they were so very delicate!)
Built a cage
With seven glass panes
- He would have sacrificed
The blood of seven lives! -
And a botfly flew by
Where she was kept hidden.
The wind from its wings
Caused her to get a cold...!
Why were they so delicate?
And the king exclaimed:
- Ah, my beloved daughter!
Oh no, my daughter...!
Well, now all of them
Are crippled!
Listen up: Who can devine
Which one of them was the most delicate?
Maria del Mar Bonet: Топ 3