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  • Ww Ww


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текст песни Crying

To weep, to expose the soul
The real and intense emotion
The wells up and rolls out
Pouring forth down the cheeks
Betraying the pain, or joy
Those who manipulate use it
With crocodile tears seeking
To define attentive sympathy
They too show their souls
That awash can't come clean
A life lived long and arduously
It knows sorrows penetrating
And memory keeps it close
When feelings come to call
That recollect miseries known
A man's tears are uncommon
They are true, springing forth
From the genuine gentle soul
That often inhabits an exterior
Deemed foreboding, unfeeling
The spirit of a child dwells deep
Its reality awakens in sorrow
Solitary or shared, uncontrolled
The true being lies within them
And character is unconcealable
So a part of the ages book of lore
We share the days of those others
That both in joy and in sorrow
There is an intensity of living
That often leaves us all crying


Ww Ww: Топ 3