Ήξεις αφήξεις ουκ εν πολέμω θνήξεις

Поставио/ла: evfokas У: 2013-01-13

Идиоматски преводи "Ήξεις αφήξεις ουκ εν ..."

Ibis redibis nunquam per bella peribis / ibis redibis non in bello morieris

Meanings of "Ήξεις αφήξεις ουκ εν ..."


The phrase is attributed to Pythia the oracle of Delphi and signifies the ambiguity in the answers of oracles. The phrase depending on where you put commas can mean either "you will go, you will return, not in the war shall you die" or "you will go, you will return not, in the war shall you die"
The idiom "ήξεις αφήξεις" is still used in modern greek meaning the somebody's words are intentionally unclear, or someone who's trying to conceal the truth in word plays

објасио/ла evfokasevfokas , Недеља, 13/01/2013 - 13:14
Explained by evfokasevfokas