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Хребет моста причудливым созданьем
Склонился над свинцовою водой,
И в дымке сна, укрывшей мирозданье,
Он, как живой, беседует со мной.
Он, как дракон, стоит на мощных лапах,
Щетиня яркий гребень фонарей,
Он хочет стать когда-нибудь крылатым
Или змеей скользнуть на дно морей.
Стряхнуть людей, назойливых, как мошки,
Встать на дыбы и спину распрямить,
Покинуть пост с самодовольством кошки...
Я не могу ни в чем его винить.

The Bridge

The spiny bridge, like some peculiar monster,
Stands hunched over the leaden waterway,
And in a haze of dream that shrouds the cosmos,
As if alive, to me he talks away.
On massive legs, he rests there like a dragon,
The ridge of streetlights bristled on his back.
He hopes to sprout his wings one day and take off,
Or wind his way down to the ocean bed.
To shake off men — the puny, irksome bug kind,
At last, to rear, and straighten his old back,
And leave his post, conceited like a feline…
I wouldn’t blame the bridge for doing that.
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LizzzardLizzzard    Недеља, 27/10/2019 - 12:27

You are my hero)
It turned out amazingly. I wept a little at the end, although I know what this verse has been about for a long time)
Thank you so much! ♥♥♥
You have an amazing poetic style)

   Недеља, 27/10/2019 - 13:58

Thank you, you're too kind :*)

Upd: I've just replaced "stands" with "rests" in "stands there like a dragon" because I missed a "stand" in the first verse. No need to repeat ourselves, unless the source text requires it.

Bai HaquBai Haqu    Недеља, 27/10/2019 - 14:09
   Недеља, 27/10/2019 - 14:42

>"He hopes to sprout his wings one day and take off,"
alt.: He hopes to sprout some wings one day and take off,

   Уторак, 29/10/2019 - 14:16

Thank you for your suggestion. Unfortunately, I fail to see a good argument in support of your suggestion. Here's the argument for my choice:
1. There is an English idiom - 'to spread wings' (notice how there's nothing between the two notional words).
2. English, unlike Russian, requires a determiner before a noun denoting a part of the body. In Russian, we don't care whose leg or wings we're talking about. In English, they do.
3. I looked for any examples from distinguished English-speaking authors, containing the formula 'spread + determiner + wings', and I did find such examples.
The choice was made.

   Среда, 30/10/2019 - 11:57

I don't speak Russian, so I can't read the original lyrics.
Since it is about a bridge, we can suppose it has no wings.
I figured you chose the word "sprout" in place of "grow".