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  • Gibonni

    Oslobodi me → превод на енглески

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Set Me Free If You Know What I'm Talking About

This is how it starts, I will try to hate you
and for a while I will wake up next to your 'copy'
this is how starts, this hope that I stand
in myself, I darn 'cleaved' and I expect
Set me free, if you know what I am talking about
your strenght is insulting me
that look from 'above'
take it off my back
that you are better
Your strenght is insulting me
and that look from 'above'
I don't deserve it
take it off my back
that 'rock' that you are better than me
that you are better
I will try to hate you
and for a while I will wake up next to your 'copy'
set me free
your strenght is insulting me
that look from 'above' I don't deserve
for who you are changing like that
for people around you, you barely know
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Oslobodi me

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Gibonni: Топ 3