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  • Rashed Almajid

    أجيبه → превод на енглески

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لاتقولوا مقدر أجيبه .. لاتقولوا هذي صعيبه
أجيبه يعني أجيبه .. لو كان تحت الحراسة
ودانه ودانه دانه .. ودانه ودانه دانه
أجيبه يعني أجيبه .. لو كان تحت الحراسه
بحط عيني بعينه .. يشوف زينه وشينه
والله لسدد له دينه .. مغرور ياقوى باسه
ودانه ودانه دانه .. ودانه ودانه دانه
أجيبه يعني أجيبه .. لو كان تحت الحراسه
بحط راسي براسه .. وأذوقه مر كاسه
جاهل بمور الغرام .. مايقدر أهله وناسه
ودانه ودانه دانه .. ودانه ودانه دانه
أجيبه يعني أجيبه .. لو كان تحت الحراسه

I will Win him Over

Don't say that I can't win him over, don't say it is hard
I will win him over, even if he was under guard
Wa dana wa dana dana, wa dana was dana dana1
I will win him over, even if he was under guard
I will look him in the eye, I will make him see his good and bad
I swear I will return to him what he has done to me, he is so proud of himself
Wa dana wa dana dana, wa dana was dana dana
I will win him over, even if he was under guard
I will be as stubborn as he is2, I will make him drink from the same glass he made me drink
He doesn't know how to treat his lover, he doesn't appreciate his people
Wa dana wa dana dana, wa dana was dana dana
I will win him over, even if he was under guard
  • 1. In the Arabic dictionary, dana or دانة means pearl but this line is very popular in many Khaliji songs and it is used to add a beautiful melody and not necessarily meaning.
  • 2. Literally "I will put my head on his head"
MJ-Q8MJ-Q8    Субота, 25/09/2021 - 12:59

Excellent translation, thanks for posting and for the references used to clarify the word dana, it was very valuable  *enlightened* *thumbs_up*

Other beautiful cover song versions performed by artist
El Yazya Mohammed which is beautiful too.