Yevgueni - Als ze lacht текст + превод на енглески
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  • Yevgueni

    Als ze lacht → превод на енглески

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When she smiles

She's not always as happy
And that's sometimes my fault
And a little bit due to the weather presenter
But really he doesn't make anyone happy
And all his miserable rains,
She doesn't have anything to do with that
She wants sun every day
If needed a hurricane once in a while
But like him I keep on trying
Every day a bad joke
And suddenly the smile is there, and everything clears
The weather clears here
Because when she smiles
The whole sky clears up
I feel like in the tropical regions
It's fantastic when she smiles
When she smiles
I bathe in sunlight for hours
I wish I could do to here
What she does for me
When she smiles
I'm also not always as happy
But that's not my fault
Since when Martine1 is there at 7 there's seldomly good news
Or maybe, a newborn prince,
Or better a dolphin
But then again a hundred places
Where they're fighting again
There's not that much needed though,
Maybe more women in power
Then I'll say, dear, you could do that
And I mean that, really I mean it but she laughs
And when she smiles
The whole sky clears up
I feel like in the tropical regions
It's fantastic when she smiles
When she smiles
I bathe in sunlight for hours
I wish I could do to here
What she does for me
When she smiles
Yes I really wanted
That I could do that for her
But when she smiles
The whole sky clears up
I feel like in the tropical regions
It's fantastic when she smiles
When she smiles
I bathe in sunlight for hours
I wish I could do to here
What she does for me
When she smiles
When she smiles
The whole sky clears up
I feel like in the tropical regions
It's fantastic when she smiles
When she smiles
I bathe in sunlight for hours
I wish I could do to here
What she does for me
When she smiles
  • 1. News presenter in Belgium
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Als ze lacht

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