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What’s the Use of Flying

Fast like the wind
I used to run towards you.
The road, always the same,
disappeared to my eyes.
But what’s the use of flying,
always flying
when love
is no longer waiting for you.
I’d see you in the mirror,
you were beautiful like then.
You seemed like the queen
of the sunset and of the sunrise.
But what’s the use of flying,
always flying
when love
is no longer waiting for you.
But, deep within every man,
there is always hope
that is why I used to run
like the wind towards you.
I wanted to believe
in a miracle, who knows?
I wanted to believe
in a miracle but...
But what’s the use of flying,
always flying
when love
is no longer waiting for you.
I would slowly come back
after having seen you.
The road, on the way back,
was long as ever.
But what’s the use of flying,
always flying
after all, my love
doesn’t want me any more.
If fast like the wind
I was running towards you,
crying like a baby
I would go back to my home.
But what’s the use of flying,
always flying
when love
is no longer waiting for me.
What’s the use of flying.
What’s the use of flying.
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A che serve volare

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