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  • Majida El Roumi

    انت الماضي → превод на енглески

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انت الماضي

لا ما تقول منقدر بعد نعيد الكان
لا لا أبدا ما فرقنا الزمان
النهاية إنت اللي أخترتا
وأحلامك إنت اللي هجرتا
هاك الليله شو تركتلي
إلا الاحزان؟
كنت وين
لما دموعي غرقت فيها
ووجعني جنون لياليها؟
يا هالكذبة اللي عم تسكني
اطلعي مني
يا هالعبة اللي عم تكسرني
ابعدي عني
وقّف... ما فّيي اسمعلك
بعّد... ما بدي ارجعلك
إنت قلبي
وأنا قلبي قتله الزمان
يمكن ناطر قلك اهلا بعد غياب؟
وبكلمة حلوة شرعلك هالابواب؟
وإلغيلك عمري المجروح
اللي من حبسه صرخلك روح
بس لو تعرف شو غيّرني هالعذاب
وقّف... ما فّيي اسمعلك
بحبك... وما رح ارجعلك
إنت قلبي
وأنا قلبي قتلو الزمان
انت الماضي
ليش رجعت من النسيان؟
توعي قلبي
تشعِّل رماد اللي كان؟

You Are The Past

Don't say we can repeat what used to be
It isn't time that made us apart.
You chose the end,
And ran away from your dreams.
That night,
What did you leave me but sadness?
Where were you
When I sank into my tears,
And suffered the madness of nights?
O Lies living within, abandon me
O Games breaking me, go away
I don't want to hear you anymore!
Go away…
I don't want to get back to you
I can't; you are my heart…
And my heart was killed by time.
Maybe you're expecting me to say welcome,
After all this absence;
To open my doors for you, with a nice word,
And to ignore my injured life
Screaming from its prison for you to leave.
Oh, if only you know
How much this pain has changed me
Where were you when I sank into my tears,
And I suffered the madness of the nights?
I can't hear you anymore
I love you but I won't get back to you again
You are the past…
Why have you come from the oblivion?
To wake up my heart?
And light up again the old fire?
You are the past…
VelsketVelsket    Петак, 20/07/2018 - 20:20

The source lyrics have been updated. Please review your translation.