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Быть собой

Всё долгое время всё делалось кем-то
Всегда другими, кем я могла бы быть
Многое узнать, другие пути избрать
И вдохновенную себя на сцене показать
Не всегда легко учиться быть собой
Сердце было не согласно иногда со мной
Порой я уходила, стоять хоть нужно было
Чтоб видеть драму жизни пред собой
Стараясь быть собой, я шла путём своим
Порой слова мне были лестные слышны
Иные - словно камень холодны
Так одиноко было
Порой, порой случалось грустить
Но сверкали огни
Иногда, иногда там был ты
Став собой, оглянувшись, я смеюсь иногда
Как-то много сменилось вещей навсегда
Но всегда будет сцена и песня моя
Откроем занавес, раскланяться пора
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Being Me

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Abbey Lincoln: Топ 3
Идиоми из "Being Me"
IgeethecatIgeethecat    Недеља, 17/02/2019 - 03:37

All along the way there were things to do
Always some {comma?} other someone I could be
As cryptic as it is, I personally understand it as :
По жизни, у меня был выбор
Всегда, и я могла бы быть другой

Michael ZeigerMichael Zeiger
   Недеља, 17/02/2019 - 04:21

- Давайте ещё посоветуемся по поводу трактовки этих двух строчек с англо-саксами дополнительно? ;) Вы могли бы обратиться к носителям языка с детства с просьбой развёрнутого анализа смысла их?

IgeethecatIgeethecat    Недеља, 17/02/2019 - 04:32

Песня не англо-саксаулськая, потому попросила совета у кореного американца ;)

Michael ZeigerMichael Zeiger
   Недеља, 17/02/2019 - 09:22

- Всё-таки мне представляется, что вторая строка не должна логически противоречить первой, поэтому:

All along the way there were things to do - Всё долгое время всё делалось (кем-то)
Always some other someone I could be --- Всегда другими, кем я могла бы быть

То есть: она выражает сожаление/досаду, что кто-то другой делал долго то, что могла бы делать она. Возможно не хуже, а лучше, или по-другому:
Многое узнать, другие пути избрать
И вдохновенную себя на сцене показать

IgeethecatIgeethecat    Недеља, 17/02/2019 - 04:28

[@phil Ambro] can you please help us to describe the first 2 lines,
On, well and the rest of the song too :)

BlackSea4everBlackSea4ever    Недеља, 17/02/2019 - 05:06

Be careful what you are asking for...
Anyway, what can be unclear in the 1st two lines? My translation was pretty literal
All along the way there were things to do --> всю жизнь работала
Always some other someone I could be. --> всегда играла чьи-то другие образы
Дальше, все четко тоже. Разве не было такой Русской песни о актрисе?

IgeethecatIgeethecat    Недеља, 17/02/2019 - 05:21

Sorry, but I do not get your translation. You can google the meaning of the song and post some facts outside of your own interpretation.
And remember, you are not native, so be careful...

BlackSea4everBlackSea4ever    Недеља, 17/02/2019 - 05:26

I need not be careful. I am confident in my translation. Got native snoring beside me.

BlackSea4everBlackSea4ever    Недеља, 17/02/2019 - 05:29

Ah, I'm sorry, I didn't realize my comments were unwelcome. Sorry. Good night.

BlackSea4everBlackSea4ever    Недеља, 17/02/2019 - 05:15

Yes, just like this one. So, M, looks like you're going for the role of agent provocateur...

Она была актрисою, и даже за кулисами
Играла роль, а зрителем был я.
В душе ее таинственной мирилась ложь и истина
Актрисы непростого ремесла.
Ему единственно верна хотела быть она.

И каждый день я шел за ней,
На зов обманчивых огней.
И с нею жизнь чужую проживал.
Я знал, что ей не быть со мной.
Она раба любви иной,
И жизнь ее – безумный карнавал.
И рампы свет заменит ей тепло любви моей.

Красота актрисы так обманчива
И влечет напрасными надеждами
Ничего слова ее не значили
И в судьбе моей все по-прежнему.

Она была актрисою,
И даже за кулисами
Играла роль, а я хотел любви.
И каждый день, идя за ней на зов обманчивых огней,
Душа моя кричала: «Позови!»
Но рампы свет манил сильней,
Сильней любви моей.

Красота актрисы так обманчива
И влечет напрасными надеждами
Ничего слова ее не значили
И в судьбе моей все по-прежнему.

Красота актрисы так обманчива
И влечет напрасными надеждами
Ничего слова ее не значили
И в судьбе моей все по-прежнему.

И в судьбе моей все по-прежнему.
И в судьбе моей все по-прежнему.

IMHO, abbey's song is better, more bitter, more realistic

BlackSea4everBlackSea4ever    Недеља, 17/02/2019 - 05:23

Pierre, as a performer, she needs inspiration, literally, a spirit flown in like the Russian word дух to get into a character, to bring in a realistic performance onto a stage

IgeethecatIgeethecat    Недеља, 17/02/2019 - 05:57

Дух? Может вдохновение?

BlackSea4everBlackSea4ever    Недеља, 17/02/2019 - 06:00

Yep. Дух вдохновения! Can't I be whimsical and

BlackSea4everBlackSea4ever    Недеља, 17/02/2019 - 06:19

Lol, don't over analyze. What can it be?
Is she a ghost? Maybe now, but not at the time when song was written.
Is it spirit that, like you said, to be n high spirit - doesn't fit
Is it spirit as an inspiration - sure, she wants to be inspired and bring the essence, the truth, the realism into her performance

Sarah RoseSarah Rose    Недеља, 17/02/2019 - 07:58

Spirit has many different meanings, the ones that apply best here are:

* the nonphysical part of a person which is the seat of emotions and character; the soul
* the immaterial intelligent or sentient part of a person
* the activating or essential principle influencing a person
* temper or disposition of mind or outlook especially when vigorous or animated (in high spirits)
* an inclination, impulse, or tendency of a specified kind (mood)
* the feeling, quality, or disposition characterizing something (undertaken in a spirit of fun)

I took these straight from the dictionary as I don't think I can paraphrase them well. It's a very nuanced word.

BlackSea4everBlackSea4ever    Недеља, 17/02/2019 - 06:44

I wasn't rude, although, to avoid drama, I deleted my comment. I honestly haven't experienced a single occasion where what I said was untrue.

Sarah RoseSarah Rose    Недеља, 17/02/2019 - 06:48

In the lyrics it's written as "for the" instead of "for to," in this case "for the" means "so that..." or "in order to..."

"For to do something" can be said in English but it's very archaic, so it would only appear in old things like Shakespeare. In modern usage, it would be redundant. If we said "I go to school (for) to learn" it means the same as "I go to school to learn."

BlackSea4everBlackSea4ever    Недеља, 17/02/2019 - 07:05

Sarah, in the original lyrics, it wasn't stage but play. Do you mean as it is sung, it should be "stage show" without TO in between?

Sarah RoseSarah Rose    Недеља, 17/02/2019 - 07:43

The correct lyrics are what is written in the lyrics above, "fly a spirit for the stage to show," it's pronounced more like "fly a spirit for the stage t'show," which is a common way of transitioning from "to" to the next word. The other interpretations don't really make sense in English.

As for what she means by this, I don't know. "Fly the spirit" isn't something I've heard before, so it's definitely figurative. But based on the context of the song, I'm guessing she's talking about her inner spirit, energy, being, etc. and that she had to show a certain version of herself (or spirit) on stage, but that wasn't really who she is. (Which is why she says "Always some other someone I could be").

It seems to make sense since the song is about becoming herself, and famous singers, etc. often struggle with who they are as a person versus their stage persona and how they are seen a performer, so that's just my guess.

Sarah RoseSarah Rose    Недеља, 17/02/2019 - 07:59

Yes, I think that's it.

Radu RobertRadu Robert    Недеља, 17/02/2019 - 07:13

ahh off topic .. it says video unavailable maybe add this one ?
Off topic 2 .. i will so do this in Romanian , as how i see it in my own interpretation not in literal .. the song kinda request it to be done that way .. ' tis full of in behind meanings ..

That being said keep it cool guys .. and all the best on this nice weekend !!

Radu RobertRadu Robert    Недеља, 17/02/2019 - 07:42

Is it forbidden to comment ? Think not , as long as the comment is polite and all that i see no problem . Do you ? I commented sharing nice vibes and all that .. is it that a problem .. ? See ya around and goodl luck with understanding the song :)).. a thing that is kinda hard to do , if ya won t put soul, sometimes even research and pasion in what "you" (maybe not you personally idk .. just saying that there are some of these type around ) do , and just translate line by line without seeing their correlation ..

Sarah RoseSarah Rose    Недеља, 17/02/2019 - 07:52

A few more changes to the lyrics:

"hurting heart" should be "hidden heart"

"drama to play" should just be "drama play."

Sarah RoseSarah Rose    Недеља, 17/02/2019 - 08:05

You're welcome, the original "hittin' hard" had the right sounds, just not the right words. ;)

I think she means being herself, so it's kind of like she's saying the same things two ways: Being myself, I dared to be myself alone.

Sarah RoseSarah Rose    Недеља, 17/02/2019 - 08:10

The phrase "myself alone" means the second one you said, "myself and nothing else."

Sarah RoseSarah Rose    Недеља, 17/02/2019 - 08:15

Great, I'm happy to help if you have any more questions. :)

Sarah RoseSarah Rose    Недеља, 17/02/2019 - 08:19

Lol it's no bother, so feel free :)

Michael ZeigerMichael Zeiger
   Недеља, 17/02/2019 - 09:28

- Немножко подредактировал, "причесал"... :)