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В молитвах бога поминая...

В молитвах бога поминая
Возносим очи к небесам,
Надеясь и предполагая,
Что царство божье где-то там.
А там, вдали, мелькает туча,
Как полудохлый дирижабль,
Над ней, антеннами мяуча,
Летит космический корабль.
Там – бога нет, в своих распутьях
Душой лукавой не криви.
Бог явлен –здесь, в тебе, да в людях,
В малейших проблесках любви.
Все небеса- в глазах окрестных.
В любом уроде - божий лик,
И в богохульствах, самых мерзких
Звучит божественный язык.
И в том-то вся загвоздка,братцы,
Как отвращенье превозмочь,
Открыть в себе такую мощь,
Чтоб различить - и отозваться
И к небу мы возносим очи,
Возводим тонкие кресты
Для наших главных средоточий
Ища посильной высоты.

As we remember God in our prayers

As we remember God in our prayers,
Raising eyes to the heavens,
That His kingdom is somewhere there,
We hope and assume hence.
And there, far away, peeks a cloud
Looking a half-dead dirigible,
And with its antennae mewling baud,
A spaceship is flying above.
There is no god there. At the crossroads,
don’t be fooled by the wily soul.1
God is here - in you and others,
In every tiny glimpse of love.
All the heavens - in the eyes of locals.
In every ugly face - god’s countenance,
And in blasphemies, the worst ones,
The language sounds divine whence.
And there in lies the crux, my friends,
How to overcome aversion,
Within oneself to find the strength
To discern - and to answer
And raising eyes to the heavens,
Thin crosses we erect.
Searching for the height within our power
For own set of values to reflect.
  • 1. Душой лукавой не криви = be honest with yourself
Gilvandeutsch44Gilvandeutsch44    Понедељак, 13/09/2021 - 17:26

[And in blasphemies, the worst ones,] There is no god there. At crossroads,] apparently these sentences are correct since I had already translated them in this same way, but I am a Brazilian translator and not Russian, so I was criticized and punished but okay, I did mine in my native language

   Понедељак, 13/09/2021 - 17:30

Your translation was not bad! It just missed some points - I get criticized as well - it helps to improve 😊

Kevin RainbowKevin Rainbow    Уторак, 14/09/2021 - 16:22

Only two things seemed a bit problematic to me, the usage of "baud" and "divine whence". Maybe "mewling loud(ly)" would be better? And perhaps "The tongue of God extends"?

   Четвртак, 16/09/2021 - 06:33

Kevin, thanks. I couldn’t go with “loudly” as I assume there’s no sound in space, but I got this cartoonish image of the spaceship antenna looking somewhat like cat's ears with the bubble transmitting “meow” - hence, baud. Lol, a stretch?
And “whence” is blatantly sarcasm on my part as what is divine in blasphemy? Rhetorical. I like your suggestion, though: the divine language yet still extends?

IgeethecatIgeethecat    Четвртак, 16/09/2021 - 13:30

Meow! Post an image or meme or whatever you have 😺🙀😸😿😹😾😻

Kevin RainbowKevin Rainbow    Петак, 17/09/2021 - 01:37

What is a "baud" ?
"Mewling" is a characterization of sound already though, right? So it seems sound is meant to be thought of as being present in space.

IgeethecatIgeethecat    Петак, 17/09/2021 - 01:54

Kev, get a lady some time to rest

I also want to know what "baud" means


IgeethecatIgeethecat    Петак, 17/09/2021 - 02:04

A noun?
Should be a verb in past sense, like the pastest one

IgeethecatIgeethecat    Петак, 17/09/2021 - 03:28

D, I'll give you a break. Только щас найду как правильно креститься. -- верх-низ--право-лево?

Gilvandeutsch44Gilvandeutsch44    Уторак, 14/09/2021 - 16:56

No one could translate this song correctly .Not even a native Russian who can speak English, nor a native English who can speak Russian ,I mean I am Brazilian I don't think I did too badly.

LaymanLayman    Уторак, 14/09/2021 - 17:23

"Кривить душой" is an idiom and "don’t be fooled by the wily soul" doesn't convey its meaning.
"to answer" >> "to respond"?
"At crossroads>> "At a crossroads"?

   Четвртак, 16/09/2021 - 00:48

Hello, L-man!
I’m toooo tired - would you like to offer suggestions to #1? I think 2 and 3 are ok as is. I actually prefer “answer” to “respond” as in my mind it was to “answer for” our prejudices. But, I can see your point of using “respond.”
Thanks, as always.

IgeethecatIgeethecat    Четвртак, 16/09/2021 - 13:39

А кривить душой ЛУКАВОЙ - это идиома или идиотизм?

IgeethecatIgeethecat    Петак, 17/09/2021 - 01:18

Кошачьими антеннами скребуча
Иду заваривать комбучу
А с кошака спрос не велик
Глазёнки в небо - Бог велит