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小川の岸辺に 今年も開いた桜草
可愛い姿が かなしい想い出さそう
谷間の村を あの人が
出る朝やはり 咲いていた
花束をこしらえ あの人にわたした
桜草咲く村 忘れたのかしら
小川に流すの 小さな花びら桜草
私の願いは けれどもとどきはしない
泣かずに待って おいでよと
あなたは言って 出かけたの
涙さえかれたの 私の目には
桜草咲く村 忘れたのかしら

The Sad Primrose

The primroses bloom again on the stream bank this year
They look cute, it brings back my sad memory
It was here, the village in the valley where he used to live
The primroses were still in bloom on the morning he left
I made them into a bouquet and gave it to him
The village where primroses bloom, has he forgotten this place?
The tiny primrose petals are floating on the stream
But they can't deliver the plea of my heart to you
"Don't cry, just stay here and wait for me."
That's what you said before you left
Even the tears have dried out from my eyes
The village where primroses bloom, do you still remember it?
uji nauji na    Среда, 18/05/2022 - 22:29

I think I've never seen primrose before. It's so beautiful.

Sorry I'm becoming nitpicker again.

涙さえかれたの 私の目には should be 涙さえ枯れたの 私の目には and
it will be,
"Even tears have dried up from my eyes".

Very small matter. I think other part is perfect. :)

uji nauji na    Среда, 18/05/2022 - 22:44

Wikipedia says "野生の群落をみることはまれになっている" (Rarely seen in the wild)

So its no wonder I have never seen it.

   Среда, 18/05/2022 - 22:52

Yeah, and it's not just normal primrose, but it's an exotic variant that only lives in Japan / East Asia. Few days ago, I also translated song about Japanese exotic bird.


As for the lyrics, it's not written by me. I just copied it from a Japanese song lyrics website. 

When I searched "かれた", one of the meaning is "to be blasted", so I thought she means her tears burst out / sprayed out from her eyes. Your version sounds better and suits the story, I will change it.

uji nauji na    Среда, 18/05/2022 - 23:15

Yes, my Japanese-English dictionary (sony electronic book) is also saying "be blasted".
Word "blasted" seems to have two meaning. One is "wither" and other mean is "exploded" "burst out"

sony's electronic book is an old stuff. I'm still using it because it works on windows10.