Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     Станите уз Украјину!
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How is a man supposed to bear it

Stand in front of my middle,
lay yourself in every figure,
throw yourself in each of my steps.
I'll dance for you wherever you want.
I go over to the window,
To see whether the sun is still shining.
Too often I've cried into your hands
During terrble storms.
How is a man supposed to bear it,
To see you every day,
Without ever daring
to look you in the eye?
Stand in front of my middle,
lay yourself in every figure,
throw yourself in each of my steps.
I'll lead you wherever you want.
How is a man supposed to bear it,
To see you every day,
Without ever daring
to look you in the eye?
to look, to look,
to look,
to look,
to look?
Could I please you
Just for a single day in my life,
To then, just once,
Fall into your arms, to fall, to fall!
How is a man supposed to bear it,
To see you every day,
Without ever daring
to look you in the eye?
to look, to look,
to look,
to look,
to look?
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Wie soll ein Mensch das ertragen

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