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  • Zahara (Spain)

    Inmaculada Decepción → превод на енглески

  • 2 превода
    енглески #1, #2
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Immaculate Deception

I pardon you in the name of
Those who dare to try you1
I throw the stone that breaks your healthy
Flesh, a swarm on your chest
I drink your blood that births from
The center of all bad things
I sip and I bless, sitting at the table
You are not of God, nor of anyone
Let your body be full of grace and pain,
It could be kept holy among the dead
It wasn't a sin to kiss without knowing one another
It was a miracle and they'll never wanna admit it
I receive the wafer in my mouth
The one that doesn't leave marks
You were the guilt that everyone denied
You were the desired appearance
Let your body be full of grace and pain,
It could be kept holy among the dead
It wasn't a sin to kiss without knowing one another
It was a miracle and they'll never wanna admit it
Let your body be full of grace and pain,
It could be kept holy among the dead
It wasn't a sin to fuck without knowing one another
It was a miracle and they'll never wanna admit it
  • 1. For a courtly offense
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Inmaculada Decepción

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Zahara (Spain): Топ 3