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Love me please love me

Aimez-moi, s'il vous plait aimez-moi
I'm crazy for you
Why are you making fun every day
About my poor love ?
Aimez-moi, s'il vous plait aimez-moi
I'm crazy for you
Really do you take so much pleasure
To see me suffer
If I believe your silence
Your eyes full of boredom
No hope is allowed
Yet I want play my chance
Even if, even if
I had to burn my life
Aimez-moi, s'il vous plait aimez-moi
I'm crazy for you
But will you always make fun
About my poor love ?
Front of so much indifference
Sometime I feel like
To melt myself into the night
At morning I take back faith
I say to myself, I say to myself
All could change today
Aimez-moi, s'il vous plait aimez-moi
I'm crazy for you
Yet your distant coldness
Tear my heart
Aimez-moi, s'il vous plait aimez-moi
I'm crazy for you
But will you always make fun
About my tears of love ?
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Love Me, Please Love Me

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