Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     Станите уз Украјину!
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Quanno scénno dâ casa
e cammino p’a via,
chiù nun saccio si ‘o ciélo
è niro o si è celèste:
nun l’arrivo a vvedé’.
Guardo ‘e pière d'a gente,
ma nun védo chiù ‘e ffacce
e si scóntro n’amico
manco chiù me n’addòno,
si nun chiamma jsso a mme.
I’ tèngo ll’uócchie ‘ntèrra,
ca nun stóngo sicuro:
ccà nu ntuppo, llà n’ato,
nu scatascio, nu fuósso,
nu muntóne ‘e munnézza,
nu vàsolo aizato
e tant’ate schifézze.
Quante n’hanno penzate
pe me fà ntruppecà’.
Mannaggia a chillu sìnnaco
ca nc’avéss’a penzà’!


When I leave the house
and walk down the street,
I no longer know if the sky
is black or light blue:
I can't see it.
I look at the feet of passers-by,
but I no longer see faces
and if I meet a friend
I no longer even notice
if he doesn't call me.
I keep my eyes fixed on the ground
because I don't feel safe:
here an obstacle, there another,
a rise, a ditch,
a pile of rubbish,
a raised stone
and many other indecent things.
How many things they have invented
to trip me up!
Damn that mayor
who should be in charge of this!
Pietro Lignola: Топ 3