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  • Creedence Clearwater Revival

    Molina → превод на румунски

  • 4 превода
    немачки #1
    +3 више
    , #2, румунски, руски
Величина фонта
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Molina, where are you goin' to?
Molina, where are you goin' to?
She's daughter to the mayor
Messin' with the sheriff
Drivin' in the blue car
She don't need no red light
Molina, where are you goin' to? Lord
Molina, where are you goin' to?
She's comin' in the mornin'
Lookin' a disaster
Drivin' in the prowl car
Spent the night in jail
Molina, where are you goin' to? Lord
Molina, where are you goin' to? Whoa
[Saxophone Solo]
Sheriff gonna go far
Drivin' to the state house
If she makes a million
Papa can retire
Molina, where are you goin' to? Lord
Molina, where are you goin' to? Lord
Molina, where are you goin' to?
Molina, hey, where are you goin' to?


Molina, unde te mai duci?
Molina, unde te mai duci?
E fata primarului
se dă bine la şerif
conduce-o maşină albastră
şi nu vede semaforul roşu
A venit dimineaţă
arătând dezastruos
cu maşina poliţiei
şi-a stat la puşcărie
Şeriful va merge departe
către casa statului
dacă face-un milion
babacu se poate retrage
Creedence Clearwater Revival: Топ 3
   Уторак, 05/09/2023 - 11:11

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