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    Nascosta in piena vista → превод на енглески

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Hidden in plain sight

In the blades of grass
Between the cracks in the concrete
In the empty space
between every rock and the other
I thought I, too, saw
something that isn't there
something that isn't there
In the dark of night
beyond the black window
In the phantom that
sits alongside me on the train
I believed I, too, noticed
Something that isn't there
Something that isn't there
Hidden in plain sight
Hidden in plain sight
In the starry sky
I had a glimpse of my fate
It will come to visit me again
like when I was a child
and I thought I, too, felt
Something that isn't there
Something that isn't there
Hidden in plain sight
Hidden in plain sight
for me
Hidden in plain sight
Hidden in plain sight
for me
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Nascosta in piena vista

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