Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     Станите уз Украјину!
  • María Ostiz

    No sabes como sufrí → превод на енглески

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No sabes como sufrí

Yo me vi rodeando el mundo,
Yo me vi rodeándolo por ti,
No sabes cómo sufrí.
El agua no me saciaba,
El pan no me alimentaba y...
No sabes cómo sufrí.
Ya no llora el mundo,
No sabe llorar, no sabe llorar.
Soy un vagabundo
Y puedo cantar, sólo puedo cantar.
No me quedaban palabras
Ni mi voz podía expresarse y...
No sabes cómo sufrí.
A la gente no comprendía,
Ella a mí no me entendía y...
No sabes cómo sufrí.

You don't know how much I suffered

I saw myself circling the world
I saw myself circling it for you,
You don't know how much I suffered.
The water didn't quench me,
The bread didn't feed me and...
You don't know how much I suffered.
The world no longer cries,
It doesn't know to cry, it doesn't know to cry.
I'm a wanderer
And I can sing, I can only sing.
I had no words left
Nor my voice could express itself and...
You don't know how much I suffered.
I wasn't understanding people,
It didn't understand me and...
You don't know how much I suffered.
María Ostiz: Топ 3