Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     Станите уз Украјину!
  • Linda

    Открою я двери → превод на енглески

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I'll open the door

I'll open the doors
I'll never stay there
I don't remember, don't trust!
In your eyes is only water.
I hug you by red tulip
If you are tiring you'll melt at once
Birds take us away in skies
It will stop time of city
And birds will fly away forever
Leaving the clouds for wind.
The road is washed away
But someone says - go!
I'm close to you
And we cannot cross the time.
I hug you by red tulip
If you are tiring you'll melt at once
Birds take us away in skies
It will stop time of city
And birds will fly away forever
Leaving the clouds for wind.
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Открою я двери

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